Category Archives: Holidays

Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus

Every Christmas, after the presents are opened and breakfast is being made, I read this first in the paper (ye olde parental units get the paper, and they live in NJ). It is a Christmas classic that has always touched my soul. While some people outside of the Tri-State area have heard of it, rarely do […]

A Christmas To Remember

Video: Christmas To Remember My favorite Christmas song.

Carnival Of Christmas!

CatHouse Chat has the always wonderful Carnival of Christmas up, featuring some tremendous posts, video’s, musings, and such.

Some Christmas Humor

    Non-PC stuff below the fold    

My Perfect Christmas Tree

You Should Have a Purple Christmas Tree For you, the holidays represent a time of creativity and expression.There’s no way you’d do something bland simply for tradition’s sake.You are an independent person, and you definitely do the holidays your own way.And you’re decadent enough to go way over the top with any unusual holiday ideas […]

Clinton Tried To Kill Santa

Still funny!

TTLF: Voting Against And Censoring Christmas

If you listen to left wing pundits, there is no war on Christmas. It is all something made up in the minds of Bill O’Reilly and all the right wingnut neocon facists chickenhawks. Oh, really? Via Michelle Malkin From the office of GOP Rep. Steve King: Congressman Steve King reacted this morning to the nine […]

An ACLU Christmas

Some oldies but goodies

A Twisted Sister Christmas

Well, I was looking for the Mr. Garrison Christmas song, ran across this

Button For Thought

Pirate's Cove