November 13, 2007 – 9:57 pm
Careful at work, a few choice words at the end.
October 28, 2007 – 5:39 pm
Buffalo Traffic JamUploaded by wteach You think your commute is bad?
October 25, 2007 – 11:06 pm
Funniest video of the day. Check it out (site is probably not safe for work.)
October 24, 2007 – 11:16 am
Heh heh In an apparent slip of the tongue, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has accused Barack Obama, the Illinois senator and Democratic hopeful, of calling on terrorists to unite in Iraq. While criticising Mr Obama and other Democratic presidential candidates on foreign policy, Mr Romney said: “Actually, just look at what Osam – Barack […]
October 20, 2007 – 8:57 pm
October 12, 2007 – 9:56 pm
Heh heh! Not photoshopped.
September 28, 2007 – 6:54 pm
Hat tip Good Lt. at The Jawa Report Interruption-posted to Outside the Beltway, Stop the ACLU, Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, AZAMATTEROFACT, 123beta, guerrilla radio, Adam’s Blog, Stix Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Nuke’s News & Views, Webloggin, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, Diary of […]
September 22, 2007 – 7:02 pm
Heh! Heck, everyone else has it. Now, my own Stop! Taser Time! Hat tip Grandpa98. Unfortunately, the idiot who got tased is getting exactly what he wants: attention. Don’tTaseMePosted to Stop the ACLU, Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Is It Just Me?, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Big Dog’s Weblog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, The […]
September 20, 2007 – 5:14 pm
Heh heh. It is always amusing when a former Hollywood star does something silly like this Alicia Silverstone’s Sexy Veggie PSAOrder a FREE vegetarian starter kit at Yup, I am using the direct PETA feed for a hoot. I remember someone writing a few years ago that it is about time for her to get […]
September 15, 2007 – 6:21 pm
Ran across the slight, and I mean slight, possibility of a Hitchhikers sequal (yes, I did really like the movie,) thought these quotes fit the Libs perfectly Arthur: All my life I’ve had this strange feeling that there’s something big and sinister going on in the world. Slartibartfast: No, that’s perfectly normal paranoia. Everyone in the […]