August 12, 2006 – 1:44 pm
An oldy but goody, which is banned in the USA [gv data=””][/gv]
August 11, 2006 – 1:57 pm
Sean Gleason outdid himself. For your eyes only all eyes, the Dead Castro Dance! 'Cept no pirates included! What's up with that? At least there is no discussion of Jamie Lynn Spears Naked. Heh! Go here for the 411 if you're going "Huh? What the hell are you talking about, Teach?" And, yes, I did […]
July 29, 2006 – 8:47 pm
How about dusting off a classic? [gv data=”WS9F_sp06Gc”][/gv]
July 26, 2006 – 9:15 pm
[gv data=”8bU5M6a4dE8″][/gv]
July 9, 2006 – 9:03 am
[gv data=”4cSRpu7bI04″][/gv] perhaps a bit of therapy would be in order. LOL
July 1, 2006 – 4:33 pm
I've never seen South Park so tame [gv data=”InHsN4MgxB0″][/gv]
June 24, 2006 – 6:50 pm
"If the mere mention of the word "bush" makes you seethe, you just might be a liberal" "If you b*tch about losing rights in the future, you might just be a liberal" "If you have to check your email to speak coherently about politics, you just might be a liberal." "If you think it is […]
June 19, 2006 – 1:49 pm
Ooops, she did it again. She made an ass out of herself. Britney Spears wants to set up her own magazine – about herself. The ‘Toxic’ singer – who announced her plans during an interview on US TV show ‘Today’ – thinks it will help set the record straight about her marriage to Kevin Federline. […]
June 18, 2006 – 10:21 am
Just imagine what 2010 will bring! ;) Found via Blue Star Chronicles from Gawfer.
June 10, 2006 – 7:31 am
[gv data=”″ allowScriptAccess=”sameDomain” quality=”best” bgcolor=”#ffffff” scale=”noScale” wmode=”window” salign=”TL” FlashVars=”playerMode=embedded”][/gv]