April 29, 2005 – 10:18 pm
Your Linguistic Profile: 55% General American English 30% Yankee 15% Dixie 0% Midwestern 0% Upper Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak? Actually, that is pretty close. I know so many damnyankees down here, that it is hard to keep any sort of Southern in my English. Remember, English is always capitalized. I […]
April 25, 2005 – 9:41 pm
From WRAL: Tips Help Police Nab Cary Hummer Heist Suspect Stop. Can’t touch this. Break it down.
April 24, 2005 – 10:28 am
Little Miss Attila says she is not writing anything worth reading till someone links her. Can do. John Hawkins at Right Wing News has linked her (and was nice enough to link me, too, including with my new domain name!). I have the perfect thing for her to write about: the Book Meme, since she […]
April 21, 2005 – 2:58 pm
Again, via Beth, because A. I’m off today, B. I’m hungover bigtime and don’t want to do anything myself today, C. I’m trying to get stupid domain management to work, and D. because I am evil and feel like it. Got a problem with that? My Give A Damm’s Busted :) Take the quiz at […]
April 14, 2005 – 9:08 pm
Seems as if the gay penguins are back in the news. “PENGUINS which zoo keepers believed were gay have picked up four females from another zoo for breeding. Six endangered Humboldt penguin pairs had tests when they failed to breed – and were found to be male. Now they have turned their attentions to the […]
April 10, 2005 – 5:45 pm
Yes, that is Nancy Pelosi wearing a Texas flag swim suit. She thought that those old photos wouldn’t ever be found. Bwahahahahahaha!
April 9, 2005 – 9:57 am
On to important news: The Secret Service, which has the job of guarding the president and other dignitaries, now has a new temporary duty — protecting a mother duck and her nine eggs. The duck, a brown mallard with white markings, has had several names suggested by Treasury Department people, including "Quacks Reform," "T-Bill," and […]
April 6, 2005 – 10:31 am
:: how jedi are you? :: Jeez, answer a few questions about Padme’ and bam, I’m sorta evil. Via Janette at Common Sense Runs Wild. Next up, pirate thong photoshops of Janette and Jody :)
April 4, 2005 – 8:20 pm
Brilliant, freaking brilliant! WuzzaDem has the interview of a lifetime: Bill O’ReillyWelcome back to the O’Reilly Factor, I’m Bill O’Reilly. On the impact segment tonight – among the myriad groups opposing the war in Iraq is one calling itself The Jedi Council. The group’s founder, who goes only by the name Yoda, has claimed, among […]