Category Archives: Illegal Immigration

SCNY Busts Gun Toting Illegal Alien Squatters

I wonder how quickly a left wing judge will dismiss the gun charges Group of gun-toting migrant squatters busted in Bronx basement apartment on weapons, drug charges A group of gun-toting migrant squatters were busted in a basement apartment in the Bronx — where authorities found a drug stash in a space shared with a […]

Sanctuary City Denver Tells Illegals To Go Elsewhere

I thought this was considered bigoted and heartless and unwelcoming to people who are traveling thousands of miles and paying a lot of money for better life (by sucking on the taxpayer teets)? Denver warns new migrants to leave, says lack of resources means they will ‘suffer’ A video from inside a migrant shelter in […]

People Who Shouldn’t Even Be In U.S. Upset Philly Is Not Ready For Them

One would think that the sanctuary city of Philadelphia would be uber-excited about illegal aliens Migrant students in Philadelphia aren’t getting the support they need, advocacy group says Zulma Guzman came to Philadelphia from El Salvador in 2019 and is a part of South Philadelphia’s Hispanic community. But she’s had a difficult time getting comfortable […]

SCNY Starts Distributing Pre-Paid Cards To Illegals

Now, let’s consider someone who is applying for a work visa or to attempt American citizenship: one of the requirements is that they be able to pay their own way, that they are not on public assistance. Meanwhile New York City mayor defends migrant debit card program as cost efficient and fraud resistant A pilot […]

Cook County, Illinois, Residents Say Illegals Are Bad For Local Services

We can fix this by taxing residents a lot more to make sure those services do not suffer. We know that Chicago is a sanctuary city, well, Cook County long ago voted to not cooperate with ICE unless ICE jumped through tons of hoops (it’s an Axios story, hence the formatting) How Cook County residents […]

Senate Democrats Vote Against Bill Stopping Biden From Flying Illegals To Small Towns

These would be the same Democrats who freak out over illegal aliens in border states being shipped off to sanctuary cities. This, though, is more than just flying them around to small town America after they’ve jumped across the border as the Biden regime has been doing All Senate Dems vote against barring taxpayer funds […]

Massachusetts Allocates $800 Million For Illegal Alien Shelters

Every legal resident of Massachusetts could be give over $1 million each. Instead, the money of the taxpayers will be going to people who should not even be in the United States Mass. Senate passes budget, with over $800M to help migrant shelters A budget breakthrough in the Massachusetts Senate could be a gamechanger in […]

LAPD Launches New Task Force To Deal With Biden’s Illegal Alien Crime

Hey, it’s just property, right? It’s a small price to pay for being respectful to all the migrants escaping something or other LAPD forming task force to target organized teams of foreign burglars The LAPD said Tuesday it was forming a task force with other police agencies to target organized groups of burglars who visit […]

SCNY Sees District Resemble Third World Brothel And Bazaar

Would you like to take a guess who represents the Sanctuary City NY district? AOC district neighborhood labeled ‘Third World’ as migrants clog streets and prostitutes overrun every block An area in Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district is being described as looking more like a Third World country as opposed to a thriving American neighborhood, […]

SSI To Cut Health Funding For Illegals After Costs Skyrocket

Supporting illegal aliens is all fun and games right up till a state like the Sanctuary State Of Illinois has to actually practice what they preach and pay for it Illinois to cut state-funded health care for illegal immigrants, green card holders after soaring costs Illinois officials are poised to slash a pair of state-funded […]

Pirate's Cove