Category Archives: Illegal Immigration

SCNY To Give Illegals $53 Million In Pre-Paid Cards

Well, gee willikers, I wonder why the Sanctuary City Of New York could do with $53 million to help the legal residents of the city? Perhaps hire a lot more police to reduce crime? Do better with sanitation? Work on the rat problem? Feed and house the homeless? NYC launches $53M program to hand out […]

150 Democrats Vote Against Deporting Illegals Busted For Driving Impaired

Almost three-fourths of Democrats decided that keeping criminal illegals around is OK BREAKING: 150 Democrats vote against a bill to deport illegals caught driving while drunk — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 1, 2024 From the UK Daily Mail The House passed a bill Thursday that will enable law enforcement to deport illegal migrants caught […]

NY Times: Illegals Coming To U.S. Because They Think They Can Stay

It really is that simple, and, who gave them that idea? (non-paywalled at Yahoo) One Big Reason Migrants Are Coming in Droves: They Believe They Can Stay For decades, single young men, mainly from Mexico and later Central America, did their best to sneak past U.S. border agents to reach Los Angeles, Atlanta and other […]

NY Times Knows Who’s To Blame For Biden’s Horrendous Immigration Policies

This article is a little early for an election year, so, the NY Times will surely re-run it around September, as they attempt to protect Biden How the Border Crisis Shattered Biden’s Immigration Hopes On President Joe Biden’s first day in office, he paused nearly all deportations. He vowed to end the harsh practices of […]

Sanctuary City Chicago To Spend $79 Million On Staffing For Migrant Centers

I wonder what SCC could do with that $79 million to help actual citizens? And why didn’t they use the $79 million in COVID relief funds for Chicago citizens? And why didn’t Congress write a better bill to make sure that money was used for what it was designated for? Mayor Johnson signs $79 million […]

James Lankford Said Opposition To Senate Border Bill Is “Misinformation”

Lanford has been all over the TV, local and national, Sunday and Monday, trying to pimp the bipartisan immigration bill. He’s here blaming Trump, but, really, this is aimed at everyone who opposes the bill Lankford: Trump opposition to border deal due to ‘misinformation’ Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) minimized the influence of former President Trump’s […]

Denver Public Schools Ask For Donations Thanks To Illegal Alien Influx

Those who support unfettered illegal immigration often say that it has negative implications, that it doesn’t negatively effect U.S. citizens. Well, how many Denver residents will be donating lots of cash and goods? Denver Public Schools needs classroom donations due to influx of migrant students Denver Public Schools is feeling the pressure from a spike […]

Weird: Russian Who Flew In With No Passport Or Ticket Sentenced To Jail

He should have just declared he was here for asylum Russian man who flew on Los Angeles flight without passport or ticket found guilty of being stowaway A Russian man who flew on a plane from Denmark to Los Angeles in November without a passport or ticket is guilty of being a stowaway on an […]

“Disturbing” Report Says Border Barriers Are Death Traps Or Something

In most cases, if a person climbs a fence on private or public property that is meant to keep people out and is hurt, the owner faces no civil or criminal liability. They are trespassing intentionally. The fence, which is often accompanied by a sign, is meant to keep people out. If people hurt themselves […]

Chicago Now Adds Migrant Crime To Their Issues

But, hey, isn’t that what declaring yourself a sanctuary city is all about? Migrant crime a ‘real problem’ in Chicago suburb after six more charged in Macy’s retail thefts: police chief Six migrants from Venezuela and Chile stole over $10,000 from a Macy’s in a suburb of Chicago in two separate retail theft incidents on […]

Pirate's Cove