Category Archives: Illegal Immigration

Three Republican Squishes Working With Democrats For “Compromise” Immigration Bill

How many times have we seen Republicans work with Democrats to create an immigration bill that provides a pathway to amnesty citizenship with a promise to do something to secure the border in the future? Especially when Lindsay Graham is involved? Senate ‘Gang of Six’ Negotiates Republican Giveaway on Migration Roughly 30 Republican senators are […]

SCNY Mayor Looks To Cut $2.1 Billion To Help Out Illegals

Why not just raise taxes? Certainly the Comrades of Sanctuary City New York would back tax increases to pay for all the illegal aliens they support, right? Mayor Adams orders $2.1B migrant crisis spending cut, spares NYPD, FDNY and DSNY from next budget trim Mayor Adams will spare the NYPD, the FDNY and the Sanitation […]

Cost Of Illegal Immigration: SCNY Mayor Announces Budget Cuts For Cops And Schools

Supporters of unfettered illegal immigration always say that illegal immigration doesn’t cost anything. In fact, they say that all those illegal immigrants put more money into the system then they take out. And then the cold truth of economic reality slaps them in the face Eric Adams Announces Funding Cuts For Cops, Schools To Pay […]

FBI Director To Tell Congress There Are Lots Of Investigations Into Hamas Affiliated Individuals

I wonder if the FBI is investigating AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and most members of The Squad? “Multiple investigations into individuals affiliated” with Hamas, Wray to testify The head of the FBI will tell Congress Wednesday that federal law enforcement officials have launched “multiple investigations into individuals affiliated” with Hamas since the terrorist group […]

Sanctuary City Denver Spending Millions To Send Illegals Somewhere Else

This is so weird. You’d think SCD would go all out to take care of the illegals Denver spends millions of dollars on plane, bus and train tickets for migrants to other cities As thousands of migrants pour into Denver, CBS News Colorado has learned the city is buying bus, train and even plane tickets […]

Migrants In Germany Forcing Day Care To Drop Anne Frank Name

In a sane world the powers that be would have told the migrants “if you do not get it, well, you should take the time to learn why the name is important. Or just ignore it. And, if you do not like it, there are plenty of ways to leave Germany” After migrant parent pressure, […]

Sanctuary City Chicago Residents Sue To Stop Illegal Alien Tent City

Funny how the Brighton Park neighborhood overwhelmingly votes Democrat, which means support for unfettered illegal immigration, doesn’t want them in their own neighborhood Chicago residents sue city to stop plans for migrant tent camp Neighbors in Brighton Park took a drastic measure to stop a migrant tent base camp from being erected in their backyard. […]

Whiny Mayors Head To D.C. To Whine At Biden Over Illegal Immigration

These same people have advocated for unfettered illegal immigration and are now upset they have to deal with the results of those policies. All but one of the cities is a declared sanctuary city. In Houston’s case, they cannot declare due to Texas state law, but, they are run by Democrats, and the police have […]

SCNY Creates Office To Send Illegal Aliens Packing

Remind me again: New York City is a self named sanctuary city, right? Going all the way to 1989 and mayor Ed Koch, they have declared themselves cities which love illegals and refuse to wirk with federal authorities like ICE. They let illegals, ones they know are very bad people, who go on to commit […]

Majority Of Sanctuary State NY Voters Say Illegal Immigration Is A Serious Problem

Even Democrats, who helped Biden take SSNY 60% to 39%, say it’s an issue Majority of NY voters says migrant influx ‘will destroy’ New York City: survey A majority of New York state voters in a new poll said they agree with Mayor Eric Adams’s (D) statement that the influx of migrants “will destroy” the […]

Pirate's Cove