Category Archives: Iraq Good News

Latest Episode of Terrorists Getting Wacked and Captured In Iraq

Not going to make the MSM, of course BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces killed eight terrorists and detained 10 suspects Tuesday during operations to disrupt al-Qaeda and foreign terrorist networks in central and northern Iraq. Coalition forces targeted a suspected terrorist involved in planning improvised explosive device attacks and facilitating foreign terrorists during operations in […]

Thousands Returning To Baghdad

It just keeps getting worse for the retreat and defeat crowd (h/t Blogs for Bush) In a dramatic turnaround, more than 3,000 Iraqi families driven out of their Baghdad neighborhoods have returned to their homes in the past three months as sectarian violence has dropped, the government said Saturday. Now what, liberals? What will the […]

TTLF: Bad News, Army Needs More Contractors

This is not getting much airplay in the MSM U.S. combat deaths in Iraq for the last month have dropped by more than two-thirds compared with October of last year, while the total death toll has been reduced almost 50 percent since September. The bulk of deaths are still occurring in Baghdad, which was also […]

WTW: Al Qaeda In Baghdad Reduced

  Morning, y’all, Jebediah Murphy here, with some of that old truth thing. Good news bad news (Yahoo News) The threat from al-Qaida in several former strongholds in Baghdad has been significantly reduced, but criminals who have established “almost mafia-like presence” in some areas pose a new threat, the top U.S. commander in Iraq said […]

Car Bombing Network Disrupted In Baghdad

I wonder why I did not see this good news in the standard media outlets? BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces detained two wanted individuals and an additional suspect during operations Tuesday to disrupt the car-bombing network in Baghdad. Coalition forces captured a wanted individual believed to be responsible for planning numerous car-bombing attacks in the […]

WTW: Freidman Engages The Future Machine

Morning, y’all, Jebediah Murphy here with a bit of that old truth thang, which is more then I can say for Thomas Freidman at the old NY Traitor Times. He has a bit of typical liberal leftard seething in an article entitled “Remembering Iraq” Boy, am I glad we finally got out of Iraq. It […]

Iraq Good News: MSM Finds The Black Lining

Earlier, Captain Ed wrote about many of the major media outlets ignoring a story that is good news from Iraq, namely a dramatic decline in violence in Iraq. Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent since the end of June, when U.S. forces completed their build-up of 30,000 extra troops to stabilize the war-torn […]

Brave Iraqi Senior Stops Suicide Bomber

Never underestimate the power of a good “walking stick” FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU, Iraq, Oct. 18, 2007 — A 72-year-old man stopped a suspected suicide bomber from detonating himself at a checkpoint in Arab Jabour, Oct. 14. The man approached a checkpoint where Mudhehr Fayadh Baresh was standing guard, but did not make it very […]

Good News Iraq: Child Undergoes Successful Surgery

Thanks to some of our great soldiers serving in Iraq A young boy from Hollendia underwent a final surgery to correct a severe colon condition at Al Sadr Hospital in An Najaf Oct. 9. The boy, Ahaip, had already undergone two surgeries to reintroduce his colon into his body. For Ahaip, this final surgery marked […]

Battle Hard Bear In Baghdad

This a really cool photo/caption site, got to check it out. Some school kids sent some items to members of the 101st, including Private Battle Hard Bear. It’s not exactly new, but, pretty cool Thanks to Sal.

Pirate's Cove