Category Archives: Iraq Good News

Meanwhile, In Iraq

While the lefties gush over Ahmanutjob, and think we should treat him with respect, cause he is such a nice guy, and they want to have a lesbian affair with him, more good news from Iraq gets completely overlooked by the left leaning MSM Violence in Baghdad has been cut in half, thanks to a […]

Iraqi Citizens Rejecting Extremists

I bet you think this story was in the NY Times or on CNN As the U.S. troop surge has taken effect in areas of Iraq, Iraqi citizens are shifting away from extremist groups and stepping forward to assist coalition and Iraqi security forces and secure their communities, a U.S. commander in Iraq said today. […]

TLF: Didn’t The Silk Pony Say The Iraq Gov’t Had Done Squat?

Well, now, remember this from only yesterday? "Although they haven’t done squat yet, I would give [Iraq prime minister Nouri al-Maliki] and the Sunnis at least a few months to reach a compromise. But they’ve got to know there’s a deadline," he said. While it was nice that he would give them a few months, […]

Major Attacks Down Almost 50% Since Surge Started

Wow, this has got to hurt the USA Today to print, especially on Page A1 The number of truck bombs and other large al-Qaeda-style attacks in Iraq have declined nearly 50% since the United States started increasing troop levels in Iraq about six months ago, according to the U.S. military command in Iraq. The high-profile […]

Charges Against Marine In Haditha Case Dropped

Simply excellent news! LOS ANGELES (AP) – A general dropped all charges Thursday against a Marine who had been accused of killing three Iraqi brothers in response to a roadside bomb attack in Haditha in 2005. "The evidence does not support a referral to a court-martial," Lt. Gen. James Mattis wrote in his written decision. […]

Iraqi’s Still Want To Be Police

Despite all the bombings of police stations and recruiting offices and training centers, Iraqi’s sure want to do their part (as well as have huge cajones) COMBAT OUTPOST CLEARY, Iraq, Aug. 7, 2007 — It began with a bit of confusion and awkwardness. Superiors were busy ensuring everything was set, and subordinates asked each other […]

Tribal Leaders Jump In Against Terrorism

Good stuff coming out of Iraq. I wonder why there is nothing in the big media? TIKRIT, Iraq, Aug. 3, 2007 — Eighteen paramount tribal leaders representing 14 of the major tribes in Diyala province, Iraq, swore on the Quran and signed a peace agreement unifying the tribes in the battle against terrorism during a […]

Hail Captain Brennan Goltry, Silver Star Recipient

Hmm, I wonder why I haven’t seen this on TV, in the papers, or the Internet news sites? PATROL BASE OLSON, Iraq, Aug. 1, 2007 — An 82nd Airborne Division Paratrooper was awarded the nation’s fourth highest decoration, the Silver Star, July 31, 2007, at Patrol Base Olson in Samarra, Iraq, for valorous actions during […]

Refurbing Schools In Iraq

Looks likes Harry Reid’s "loser troops" are doing some good things in Iraq BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 26, 2007 — After a month of ongoing renovations, Otba Bin Gazwan Girls High School in Salhiyih was opened during a small ceremony July 19. “Initially we worked with our Civil Affairs team, and we went out to assess […]

Exec Orders: Driving Liberals Nuts

Throughout my dumpster dives the past 5 days or so, I have noticed a liberal perpencity to get all wonked out (nothing unusual, of course) over a recent Bush Executive Order. They are all worried about being arrested for speaking out against Operation Iraqi Freedom, thinking they will have all their property and money (why […]

Pirate's Cove