Category Archives: Iraq Good News

AQ Eating Its Own

I wonder why so many US media outlets are avoiding this like the plague (Times Online) Fed up with being part of a group that cuts off a person’s face with piano wire to teach others a lesson, dozens of low-level members of al-Qaeda in Iraq are daring to become informants for the US military […]

Meanwhile, As The Democrats Attempt To Surrender…

So, the surge of troops is finally in place. They are ready to begin their full operations to secure Baghdad and other areas, of which only a handful are troublesome. The Democrats are ready to call for surrender, excuse me, phased redeployment to protect the wildlife in Antarctica. Yet FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq, July […]

New Female Police Academy Being Built In Iraq

You just know this is going to truly piss off all those mysoginist Muslim extremist. AN NASIRIYAH, Iraq, July 5, 2007 — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is helping to create new situations to enable Iraqi women to take an active part in the reconstruction and security restoration of Iraq. “The Corps of […]

Two Non-Extistential Al Qaeda Leaders Captured In Iraq

I question the timing. I’m sure this deflects from something, not sure what BAQOUBA, Iraq – U.S. and Iraqi troops captured two senior al-Qaida militants and seven other operatives Saturday in Diyala province, an Iraqi commander said, as an offensive to clear the volatile area of insurgents entered its fifth day. Jeez, I thought al […]

What’s Happening In Iraq?

Now that the shamnesty bill is hopefully dead, at least for awhile, what is going on in Iraq? CAMP TAJI, Iraq – Two suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices detonated causing major damage to two mosques near Abu Ghraib, Iraq June 7.  Those crazy Islamic extremists. Guess they do not care about their religious icons. It’s […]

Iraqi Troops Stop Jailbreak

Usually, when posting these good news Iraq posts, I write "bet you didn’t see this in the MSM." I can’t do that with this one. From CNN At least nine bombings in and near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on Wednesday were aimed at freeing hundreds of inmates from an Iraqi prison, Iraqi and […]

All Hail The Cavalry, Living The Legand

From Defend America MOSUL, Iraq, April 30, 2007 — Soldiers from Company A, 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, are on the frontlines every day here in Mosul, Iraq, and have a mixture of emotions on the varied experiences in the second largest city in the country. “We are the first ones out after something happens,” […]

Afternoon Chill

U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Kevin Reese and his military working dog Grek wait at a safe house before conducting an assault against insurgents in Buhriz, Iraq, April 10, 2007. U.S. Army soldiers and Iraqi army soldiers are going house-to-house in search for weapons caches and enemy fighters after more than 1,000 residents of this Baqubah […]

Course Teaches Iraqi NCO’s

Some may wonder why it is taking so long to get the Iraqi military up to speed. Well, there are lots of reasons, one of which is that the makeup and mindset of the Iraqi's has to change MAHMUDIYAH, Iraq, April 11, 2007 — When Saddam Hussein's regime was in power the Iraqi army was […]

Iraqi Police Deliver Supplies and Hope

I found this at the NY Times BAGHDAD — An Iraqi National Police division handed out supplies to a pair of elementary schools in southwest Rashid during a joint operation with Coalition Forces Wednesday. The mission was the first of its kind in the area by the NP battalion and its Coalition counterpart, 1st Battalion, […]

Pirate's Cove