Category Archives: Iraq Good News

Beer Monday Linkfest: The Surge is Succeeding

And a good Monday morning to all. The start of the work week. How about a beer? Video: Never Take a Man's last Beer And many in the media will need a beer after they read this commentary by Robert Kagen at the Washington Post (h/t Blogs for Bush) A front-page story in The Post last […]

Iraqi TV/Radio Is On The Air!

Somehow, this has escaped the notice of the Old Media. I also doubt that you would have read a story like this were Saddam still in charge, as so many liberals want DIYALA, Iraq, March 8, 2007 — The Independent Radio and Television Network in Diyala is now transmitting broadcasts throughout the province, as well […]

Media Actual Reports Good Things In Baghdad

Can you guess who? ( – Indications that the new U.S. military strategy in Iraq is starting to improve conditions in Baghdad came from an unlikely source Wednesday — the Qatar-based al Jazeera television network. "I was just earlier this afternoon [Iraq time] with Al Jazeera English, talking to their reporter," Multi-National Force spokesman Maj. […]

New Water Plant In Iraq

Somehow, I missed this article in the Big Media. I wonder why? CAMP ADDER, Iraq, March 6, 2007  — Children, community leaders and Coalition Forces attended the opening of a reverse osmosis water-treatment plant in Al Kuaam, Iraq, a small rural farming village of 2,000 people on the south bank of the Euphrates River, Feb. […]

Iraq Surge Working In Sadr City, Minus Al-Sadr

I bet you think I found this at the NY Times, LA Times, or some other Big Media outlet. Nope, sadly, none of the usual suspects covered it. From Operation Iraqi Freedom More than 550 Iraqi Security Force personnel with 600 Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers began a clearing operation in the eastern Baghdad district known as […]

Little Happens In Iraq, Makes News

This can't be the result of the surge, right? BAGHDAD — Baghdad experienced one of its least violent days in months Thursday when there were two reported bombings and one fatality. The relative lull in violence came in the third week of a U.S.-Iraqi plan to improve security in Baghdad. President Bush has ordered an […]

USACE Says “Can Do!” To Children’s Hospital

Hmm, I don't understand why I can't find this in the MSM BAGHDAD, Iraq, Mar. 1, 2007  — Construction continues on renovating the Alwaiya Children’s Hospital in east Baghdad. Nearly 100 Iraqi workers are involved with the $2.9 million project that is expected to be completed in August 07. Currently, workers are plastering, installing ceramic […]

Tuesday Linkfest: U.S. Troops Save Baby Boy’s Life

You know, somehow I missed this story in the Drive By's. I wonder why? YUSUFIYAH, Iraq, Feb. 26, 2007  — Soldiers recently received something they least expected – a baby. Soldiers from the 210th Brigade Support Battalion “Providers” and the 4th Battalion 31st Infantry Regiment “Polar Bears,” both units of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, […]

Today’s Iraq News

It starts out with the al-AP telling us we are stoopid for understimating and not thinking about how many civilians have died during Operation Iraqi Freedom. A subtle way to remind us that we as Americans are jerks, occupiers, terrible people, and should pull out right now. Don't worry about the possible full blown civil […]

U.S. Soldiers Proud of Their Iraqi Trainees

I coulda sworn I would find this story at CNN, MSNBC, or cBS. Heck, I thought even Keith "I need viewers" Olbermann would talk about it and Nancy Pelosi would have a press release (too much? Over the top?) KIRKUK, Iraq, Feb. 22, 2007 — U.S. Army Staff Sgt. James Lee looked like a proud […]

Pirate's Cove