Category Archives: Iraq Good News

Condi Watch: No Pulling The Plug, Yup, We Raided The Iranians

Lost in the mix of Babs Boxers personal assault on Condi, two interesting stories. First, we are not pulling the plug Americans' skeptical view of the Iraq war won't change until they see progress there, but the United States won't "pull the plug" on the conflict, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said. "We're going to get […]

More Police Graduate In Iraq

Another story you will never see in the Big Media (from Operation Iraqi Freedom) About 125 Iraqi Police officers, assigned to various units in the area, graduated from the first Iraqi PoliceTraining Academy in Baqubah recently. "Officers from the Emergency Ready Forces, the Quick Reaction Forces, and Baqubah Iraqi Police participated in this two-week long […]

Iraq To Control All Ground Forces By Years End

I wonder how much airplay this story will get in the Old Media? WASHINGTON, Jan. 3, 2007 – The Iraqi government will have command-and-control of all of its ground forces by the end of 2007, a senior U.S. military officer based in Baghdad predicted today. The year 2007 “is truly the year of transition and […]

Saddam To The Gallows Pole-Video

I have a copy over at Youtube, but, as you know that it will be banned, showing it from Photobucket. I'm surprised that CNN actually had the video. You know that they will be considered necon/Bush stooges by the Lefties now! Hot Air has the video too, as well as an exclusive story from the cameraman […]

Bye Bye, Saddam

Saddam dead, hung right before 10pm Eastern time. I'm sure everyone knows. So, what about Liberal World? Saddam Hussein's execution is now a _MAJOR_ violation of the Geneva Convention! The meme of Saddam being all the USA's fault, plus "So can the Iraqis hang George Bush and Tony Blair next? This is sick. Saddam was […]

Saddam Death Sentence Upheld

Ha! This should send the Demaloons in to screaming fits An Iraqi appeals court has upheld the death sentence for ousted President Saddam Hussein, Iraq's national security adviser has said. "The appeals court approved the verdict to hang Saddam [Hussein]," Mouwafak al-Ruabaie said. How about a little of said seething? The DU is mostly silent, […]

Silly Muslims, Trying To Bomb Another Mosque

What is with Muzzies? They pitch a fit and riot over some cartoons, but have no problem attempting to damage or destroy a Mosque. You know, that holy place that they worship (from DefenseLink) Iraqi police were patrolling yesterday when they found an improvised explosive device near a Samarra mosque’s doorway. “This action by the […]

Progress In Iraq

What? You mean there is? Why doesn't the MSM tell us these things? KIRKUK REGIONAL AIR BASE, Iraq, Nov. 29, 2006 — The new Iraqi air force have returned to the sky, performing a variety of missions throughout the country, thanks to training and support from U.S. and coalition advisors. At Kirkuk Regional Air Base, […]

Thanksgiving In Iraq

A nice story from Operation Iraqi Freedom Thanksgiving Day has historically been the biggest meal military dining facilities serve around the globe. This year’s banquet in Baghdad will be no exception. “We spent nearly $12 million on food for the troops in November,” said CWO 4 Shawn Malinowski, the Multi-National Division – Baghdad’s command food […]

Iraqi Military Providing Interdiction, Marines Work With The Locals

The Democrats keep telling me that everything is bad in Iraq, and that the Iraqi miltary is nowhere to be found. Huh? (from DefenseLink) From a distance it looks like a classic summer scene: boaters enjoying an afternoon on the river, taking an occasional dip to cool from the sun. But that’s far from the […]

Pirate's Cove