Category Archives: Iraq Good News

Iraq Assumes Control II And Linkfest

And a happy Thursday to all. Did you know that Iraq is assuming control of their military forces today? I had mentioned the other day that this was going to happen in September, and now the Drive By Media chimes in: Iraq's government takes command of its armed forces from the U.S.-led coalition Thursday, a […]

WTW: US Military Hates Muslims

Morning, y'all, Jebediah here. And, you know that they must hate them, or so the Braying Asses say. You know, after the entire military strolled through Abu Ghraib and G'itmo, taking turns beating prisoners and making them do nude pyramids, tearing up Korans and flushing them, blowing up mosques for a hoot……you mean they didn't […]

Iraqi’s Assuming Command Of Security. Dems Say Retreat

Did you know that Iraq is actually taking charge of its forces? If you read the MSM, probably not. I have highlighted this from other sources, and, today, Sgt. Jeff Lowery tells us more (from Operation Iraqi Freedom) Beginning in September, the Iraqi government will officially take control of its major air, sea and land-based […]

Iraqi Units Take Over in Kirkuk

Hmm, the only sources that seem to reference this are the Stars And Strips, The Kurdish Times, and Radio Free Europe (though it is a one sentence blurb). I wonder why? (from Defense Link) Soldiers of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division transferred responsibility of security for the majority of the Kirkuk Province to […]

Good News Iraq: Marines/Sailors Saving Lives, and Linkfest

You won't see this in the MSM. Can't have them showing our troops as the good guys, eh? However, this is a bit of a tear jerker (from CENTCOM) CAMP AL QA'IM — For a 12-year-old Iraqi girl in need of a kidney and liver transplant, time is the enemy. Her friends are a team […]

American Soldiers Leave Terrorizing To Iraqi’s. Or Not

John Kerry must be pissed, since even Iraqi soldiers aren't listening to him (from Defend American) As part of Operation Together Forward, Iraqi army soldiers and soldiers from Multi-National Division, Baghdad’s (MND-B) Company C, 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, mounted a combined operation and conducted a cordon and search mission […]

WTW: How About Some Hero’s?

Morning, y'all, Jebediah here. When Teach told me about Greta's Wednesday Hero's, I reckon she was looking for something else. But these guys are hero's, and ain't nothing white trash about these folks, ceptin' that they are out of a North Carolina base (from Operation Iraqi Freedom) Two Iraqi kidnap victims were freed Wednesday by […]

Iraqi’s Assuming Control, and Linkfest

Bet you won't find this one in the MSM (from Defense Link) The Iraqi government is slated to assume control of its soldiers, sailors and airmen sometime next month, a senior U.S. military officer told reporters in Baghdad today. The Iraqi Ministry of Defense, through its joint headquarters in Baghdad, will assume operational control of […]

Hottie Dancers For The Troops

This is one story that actually did make it in to the MSM. I never thought I would post an "Iraq Good News" story that came from the New York Times. And without any sort of negativity towards the Iraq war. Guess the Times editors were piss drunk last night. One by one, the marines […]

Good News Iraq: Slowing The Violence

Two stories that will surely not make the MSM. Both from Defense Link First, a decrease in violence Violence in Baghdad has decreased over the past five weeks, and the Iraqi government is committed to reconciliation, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Iraq's Deputy President Adil al-Mahdi said here today. Following a meeting at the Pentagon, […]

Pirate's Cove