Category Archives: Iraq Good News

Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora Visits Iraq

While the Credentialed Media, and, let’s face it, bloggers too, concentrate on the race for the White House, things are still going well in Iraq. In this case, a visit Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora vowed on Wednesday to strengthen ties with Iraq, calling for it to be “reintegrated into the Arab world”, as he […]

Leftist AWOL’er Faces 3 Years In The Slammer

The story Last month 25-year-old U.S. Army PFC Robin Long became the first war resister since the Vietnam War to be forcefully deported from Canadian soil and handed over to military authorities. Robin is currently being held in the El Paso County Jail, near Colorado Springs, Colorado, awaiting a military court martial for resisting the […]

AP Again Admits The Surge Has Worked

I wonder how many Credentialed Media sites will publish this story? CBS picks up the AP story, July Sees Lowest US Death Toll In Iraq The monthly U.S. toll in Iraq fell to its lowest point since the war began, with at least 10 American deaths as July drew to a close Thursday after the […]

Patraeus Nixes Timeline

From McClatchy Washington The top U.S. military commander in Iraq isn’t buying the increasingly popular idea of a publicly stated timetable for American troop withdrawal. Gen. David Petraeus, the Iraq commander, said in an interview with McClatchy that the situation in Iraq is too volatile to “project out, and to then try to plant a […]

Mahdi Army’s Power Much Reduced

Usually, I start this type of story out with “I bet you think this was found in the Credentialed Media” or “I wonder if the CM will cover this,” or something to that effect, and the story comes from a source such as Operation Iraqi Freedom. In this case, THE main newspaper component of the Credentialed Media, […]

Ignored Iraq News

While I certainly appreciate Reuters writing these two stories, I wonder why they did not get wider play in the Credentialed Media. First, from July 12th Iraq’s combat troops will be almost fully formed by the middle of 2009, according to the senior U.S. Army officer who led the training of Iraqi security forces. On […]

Daughters of Iraq graduate in Diyala Province

Things continue to progress in Iraq, and you would think a story like this would be important news, but, sadly, none in the Credentialed Media bother to cover it  DIYALA, Iraq – Iraqi women graduated from a security training course at the Alabarrah Police Station in the Diyala Province of Iraq to become members of […]

Wait, Saddam Had WMD, Part II

Let’s jump in the way back machine with Mr. Peabody and Sherman Among the dozens of documents in English were Iraqi reports written in the 1990’s and in 2002 for United Nations inspectors in charge of making sure Iraq abandoned its unconventional arms programs after the Persian Gulf war. Experts say that at the time, Mr. […]

Iraqi Police Still Standing Up

I’m sure glad the Credentialed Media tell us stuff like this – Iraqi Police Lead the Way in Fallujah’s Khadairy District The Joint Security Station (JSS) in the Khadairy District of Fallujah is now home solely to Iraqi Police, as Company K, 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 1, detached from the station […]

Has The Surge Worked?

To the chagrin of liberals worldwide, the answer would be “yes.” CNS News: IED-Caused Casualties in Iraq Down 89 Percent Since Surge  Deploying more U.S. troops in Iraq has resulted in a dramatic decline in the number of U.S. troops being killed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in that country. IED-caused casualties have dropped 89 […]

Pirate's Cove