Category Archives: Iraq Good News

6K Sunni’s Helping Out With Security In Iraq

And the good news just keeps coming! (h/t Vinnie at The Jawa Report) HAWIJA, Iraq —  Nearly 6,000 Sunni Arab residents joined a security pact with American forces Wednesday in what U.S. officers described as a critical step in plugging the remaining escape routes for extremists flushed from former strongholds. The new alliance — called […]

WTW: Cabbies Becoming More Comfortable In Baghdad

Morning, y’all. Prophet Sallami Sallami Mohammed here on another White Trash Wednesday, and, like the Democrat Party and liberals worldwide, I am not happy with what is going on in Iraq. Things are starting to look rosy. I mean, Baghdada is probably less dangerous then Camden, Detroit, or Washington, D.C., at this point Haider Abbas, […]

Iraq Awakens

While our troops take a well deserved break for a Thanksgiving meal, they can rest assured that they have done a great job in working towards a safe and stable Iraq Determined to rise up against al Qaeda terrorists, concerned local citizens, working together with coalition forces, have started neighborhood watch programs in this area […]

Gray Lady: Baghdad Security Improves. I’m Concerned About Pinch

I really am shocked. Over the past month or so, I am seeing more and more news stories in the New York Times that state that things are getting much better and even *gulp* that we are winning in Iraq. The editorials are avoiding discussion of the state of Iraq’s security as of late, as […]

Beer Monday: Gray Lady Says Surge Is Working

The start of the work. Time to get busy, shift a few paradigms, revolutionize outside the box. How ’bout a beer? And, woah! do the liberal readers of the New York Times need a beer. On the front page (Internet and print edition), there is a story that basically says the Surge is working BAGHDAD, […]

Concerned Iraqi’s Stepping Up

The news just keeps getting worse and worse for the left, what with their being invested in defeat and all (By Jamie Findlater at DefenseLink News) Captures of al Qaeda operatives and seizures of weapons caches in Iraq are up, and casualties are down, a senior military official in Baghdad told online journalists and “bloggers” […]

Progress In Iraqi Town

I bet you thought I found this in the New York Times, right? When Army Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, commander of 3rd Infantry Division, walked the streets of Hawr Rajab on Nov. 7, he saw real progress in the city’s security climate. Four months ago, any U.S. or Iraqi soldier walking the streets here would have […]

Beer Monday: Iraqi’s Stepping Up

Yes, the start of a new work week. Time to get busy, shift a few paradigms, think outside the box, make a few moves. How ’bout a beer? Funny commercialUploaded by taranee667 Dems are going to need some beer after reading this story (via Mark Stein) BAGHDAD – Former Sunni insurgents asked the United States […]

Iraq War Vets Urge Patience

Somehow, I highly doubt that soldiers who served in Iraq who support the war effort are going to get much airplay in the liberal media. Do you? ( – Three veterans of the Iraq war on Thursday said lawmakers who support a quick end to the conflict should exercise patience in waiting for political reconciliation […]

NY Times Not Happy Over News From Baghdad

Over at The Corner SSSSHHHHHHH … Don’t Tell Anyone: Al Qaeda Has Been Routed in Baghdad   [Andy McCarthy] The Newspaper of Record has the story today … on page A-19. … And even there, the Times can’t bring itself to say we won.  The report is headlined, “Militant Group Is Out of Baghdad, U.S. Says.”  […]

Pirate's Cove