Category Archives: Liberal World

Good Grief: Seattle IdiotZone Prompts Rethink On Policing

Most people are probably thinking “yeah, we need police, even with their faults”. Not in the world of Ann Scott Tyson at the Christian Science Monitor ‘History in the making’? Seattle protest zone prompts rethink on policing. As a police chopper circles overhead, a protester named John, wearing a Black power pin, stands watch at […]

Everything’s Stupid: Cereal Is Now Raaaaacist

This is one of the points where a serious conversation on a serious issue which most everyone agrees on and wants to see reform jumps the shark and people start tuning out and little gets done (via Twitchy) @KelloggsUK, as you are yet to reply to my email – Coco Pops and Rice Krispies have […]

Oscars Will Now Require “Diversity”

Why yes, the ubur-white elitists in Hollywood think that minorities, especially blacks, cannot succeed without their helpful hand Want an Oscar? Better be inclusive. Academy to make diversity requirements part of awards eligibility. On the heels of a historic election that saw a record number of women and people of color — including Oscar winner Whoopi Goldberg […]

LA Times Boss Deems “Looting” To Be Raaaaacist

The definition of loot from Miriam Webster in this context: something appropriated illegally often by force or violence As a verb: to plunder or sack in war; to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption Synonyms are: despoil, maraud, pillage, plunder, ransack, sack. They say the first use was in […]

Cancel Culture Today: UCLA, LivePD, And Disney World

Will organizations ever learn that feeding the alligator never works, that appeasing Mobs of SJWs just means you’ve surrendered and they will demand more and more? George Floyd protests: UCLA lecturer suspended after refusing lenient marking for black students A lecturer at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has been placed on leave, after […]

“Protesters” Who Took Over Seattle Area Have Demands

Perhaps we should be calling them insurrectionists? Seattle Protesters Issue Demands: Abolish Police, Grant Amnesty, Give Free Health Care and College Protesters who have cordoned off several blocks in Seattle, declaring it a “cop-free zone” and “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” have released a long list of demands, including abolition of the Seattle Police Department and prisons, amnesty […]

NPR Really Wants You To Burn Your White Author Books

We interrupt your normally scheduled ‘climate change’ article for publicly funded calls to “burn” books NPR Advises Readers to ’Decolonize” Their Bookshelves by Removing White Authors National Public Radio (NPR) posted a tweet Saturday urging every reader to begin “decolonizing your bookshelf.” According to NPR, “white voices have dominated what has been considered canon for […]

Minneapolis Vows To Dismantle Police Department, Replace With Something Transformative

In all fairness, the police department needs a good looking at, because Officer Derek Chauvin felt just fine kneeling on George Floyd’s neck for over 8 minutes. He looked at a camera and wasn’t worried. The dude is either nuts or there is a big problem with his precinct. We did learn that 2 of […]

It Begins: Los Angeles To Reinvest Up To $150 Million From LAPD Budget To Communities Of Color

And what happens when LA become awash in violence? Who will LA blame? As peaceful protests continue, LAPD budget could be cut by up to $150 million to reinvest in communities of color As protests over police brutality and the death of George Floyd stretched into a sixth day, Los Angeles officials said Wednesday that […]

MSNBC Prefers To Call Burning Buildings And Looting “Protests, Not Riots”

We’ve all seen the video of the 30 buildings that were burned through Wednesday night, Target and other stores looted, stuff thrown at police officers, right? MSNBC’s Ali Velshi says situation not ‘generally speaking unruly’ while standing outside burning building An MSNBC journalist attempted to explain that the violence that erupted in Minneapolis on Thursday night […]

Pirate's Cove