April 8, 2020 – 10:30 am
Contributing opinion writer Allison Arief, whose focus is design and architecture (do we really need opinion on that?) is super thrilled with all these empty streets, forgetting that they’re empty because people are scared, sick, and dying. They aren’t working, they’re fearful of getting booted from their homes, losing their cars, having no money to […]
March 28, 2020 – 6:50 am
Uber-leftist magazine The Week’s Damon Linker thinks he has the answer. Or is just whining. In fact, I can see him looking like this https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1243549110180941824 with the waving arms and yelling at the computer (or maybe unhinged Haley Stevens) Trump has never been worse — but his approval is surging. Why? My estimation of President […]
March 22, 2020 – 7:59 am
The Coronavirus fearmongering has obviously been flying around for weeks. We keep getting all the “Trump’s shutting down the nation for (X) long!!!!!!!”. No one ever actually has a named source, but, they keep having to knock this down, like People with too much time on their hands were spreading unfounded rumors, looking for their […]
March 16, 2020 – 3:00 pm
We’ve seen this time and time again: the people who’ve called Trump a dictator, a Fascist, “literally Hitler” are now upset that Trump is not Declaring Things. Here’s The Bulwark’s resident unhinged Lefty, because a conserving conservative site needs that, right? (via Twitchy) https://twitter.com/MollyJongFast/status/1239560969925398528 Is this called Federalism? Did she just discover the 10th Amendment? […]
February 5, 2020 – 8:09 am
Personally, I would have picked “it won’t work because too many Palestinians are violent, hate Jews, hate Israel, and want to destroy the nation, along with lots and lots of Islamists”, but, the NY Times’ Thomas Freidman has thoughts relating to ‘climate change’, and then something nefarious Mother Nature Scoffs at Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan […]
December 30, 2019 – 7:42 am
And by “U.S.”, they are mostly occurring in areas controlled by the Democratic Party Acts of anti-Semitism are on the rise around the country, leaving Jewish community rattled Hours after a knife-wielding man barged into a Hannukah party in a New York suburb, stabbing five people, top officials condemned the crime as part of a […]
December 27, 2019 – 6:58 am
The #NeverTrumpers on the right seem to focus on Trump’s personality, rather than the great Conservative things he’s doing, like this What Happened When Trump Reshaped a Powerful Court With the help of Senate Republicans, Donald Trump spent the first three years of his presidency remaking the federal judiciary in his own image. The president […]
December 24, 2019 – 8:06 am
Remember the talking point from Open Borders advocates that they only want good immigrants, legal and illegal? Yeah, not so much Refugee paroled in California murder case, detained by ICE A Cambodian refugee who drew support from immigrant groups was released Monday from a California prison after being granted parole in a murder case, then […]
December 20, 2019 – 6:48 am
You can always count on the NY Times to provide a good Hot Take, and Excitable Michelle Goldberg has been on a roll lately. She even has to go back to George Bush 43 The Tyranny of the 63 Million Impeachment didn’t undermine democracy. It vindicated it. When George W. Bush lost the popular vote […]
November 30, 2019 – 7:11 am
You know, this is a major embarrassment for the self-proclaimed Socialist government Students Fainting From Hunger in Venezuela’s Failing School System Hundreds of children filed into their school courtyard to hear a local Catholic bishop lead prayers for their education. “We pray for the youths who are on the streets and can’t come to school,†[…]