Category Archives: Liberal World

NY Times Blames Trump For Illegals Storming The Border Or Something

Throughout Donald Trump’s campaign, both the primaries and the general election, he talked about building a wall and stopping illegal aliens from entering the U.S. He told them not to come. After he won election and took office he did the same. Yet, somehow, he’s at fault for all the illegal aliens coming to the […]

Baltimore Women Does Gun Buy Back, Plans To Get Bigger Gun

Government at work, folks (via Twitchy) BALTIMORE GUN BUYBACK | One woman said she's trading in a 9-mm gun in hopes of getting…a bigger weapon! MORE: — FOX Baltimore (@FOXBaltimore) December 18, 2018 Twenty-five dollars for rifle magazines that carry more than 10 rounds, one-hundred dollars for revolvers, pump and bolt action weapons, […]

NY Times: Russia Trolls Helped Elect Donald Trump Or Something

The NY Times’ Michelle Goldberg thinks she’s on to something. But, it forgets a central point: this provides zero proof of collusion Yes, Russian Trolls Helped Elect Trump This year, researchers at Ohio State University tried to measure the impact that fake news had on the 2016 election. They based their analysis on a postelection survey in […]

Surprise: Heavy Gun Control Has No Impact On Suicide Nor Homicide Rates

What better state to use as your petri dish than California? Study: Gun Control Laws Have No Impact on Suicide, Homicide The Violence Prevention Research Program (VPRP) at UC Davis and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health conducted a study about the impact California’s gun control laws have had on homicide and suicide rates over the last […]

Who’s Ready To Gather ‘Round The Turkey And Argue ‘Climate Change’?

It’s finally here! A day for Warmists to argue with all their bestest of friends and relatives! Well, really, they argue every day (right before they use a ton of electricity and travel in fossil fueled vehicles), but, now they can do it to a relatively captive audience which just wants to watch parades, football, […]

TDS: When Even Pardoning A Turkey Drives Liberals Moonbat

If you think about it, the Washington Post’s Nelson Pressley went to his bosses and said “hey, I have this idea on Trump and the pardons and how utterly horrible it was” and they said “run with it.” In the lifestyle section. Not even in the opinion section. And we end up with Trump’s presidential […]

Raaaaacist Flyers Found In Bronx, Police Investigate

Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words are ZOMG THE WORST AND MUST BE SHUT DOWN!!!!!! ‘White Excellence’: Racist, misspelled flyer posted in the Bronx spurs outcry and police investigation It was a call to action for white people to declare their supremacy over other races, and to fight non-Christians. Now, a racist flyer […]

Russia Russia Russia: Mueller Plans To Release Initial Findings After Midterms

If there was anything to actually see, you can bet it would come out prior to the midterms. And if we see zero leaks, you know that it is all a big nothingburger, one which has been hanging round for two years (via Twitchy) (Bloomberg) Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue findings on […]

Vox: Say, We Should Abolish The Supreme Court

Oh, Vox Vox Vox. Back when Barack Obama was appointing hardcore Progressives Sonia Sotomayor and Elana Kagen to the Court everything was lollipops and unicorns. But now that Donald Trump has appointed Constitutional originalists Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the court we have Leftists melting down The case for abolishing the Supreme Court When […]

Tolerance: Student Forced To Remove Patriotic Trump Jersey

Over the past 10 years we’ve seen teachers go ga-ga over Barack Obama. They’ve had kids sing odes to him, they’ve named schools after him, they’ve worshiped him. Schools have gone loony in openly supporting the Leftist agenda in tons of ways. But, supporting duly and Constitutionally elected President Donald Trump quietly? Harnett school principal […]

Pirate's Cove