Category Archives: Liberal World

Republican Woman Running Ad With Her Gun Makes Feminists Sad

Excitable Ashley Reese at the uber-InsaneFeminist Jezebel is Offended by an ad Woman Casually Sitting With Gun Would Like to Be Your Senator Meet Leah Vukmir, a Republican Senate candidate from Wisconsin who wants to bring her conservative know-how to Washington. She would like you to vote for her, and she would like to ask […]

Parkland Gun Grabbers Rally For Gun Grabbing In Gun Grabbing Chicago

Now that Obama is not president, are we allowed to write Chicago without it being considered raaaaacist? Anyhow Parkland students kick off bus tour in Chicago suburb Student survivors of February’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Friday kicked off their March for Our Lives: Road to Change national tour in Chicago. Hundreds gathered […]

You Know That Raccoon Which Climbed A Building? It Has Deeper Meaning Or Something

Remember this guy? A good, cute story. Over to Ruth Ben-ghiat at CNN The Minnesota raccoon’s journey has a deeper resonance The small thin body slowly climbs the side of a 25-story skyscraper in St. Paul, Minnesota, clinging on for his life, his narrow paws spread painfully wide. His little face, seen at close range through […]

Judge Shoots Down Deerfield’s Gun Banning Law

Somebody actually read Illinois law and their Constitution (Townhall) Zero hour was approaching for the law-abiding gun owners of Deerfield, Illinois. The village had banned the ownership of so-called assault weapons, which in reality meant AR-15 rifles and any other firearm that carried a detachable magazine capable of holding ten or more rounds. That’s how Deerfield defined a […]

Hey, You Guys Totally Don’t Neeeeeeed An Uzi, You Know

The Times of Trenton editorial board has an anti-gun hissy fit Hey NRA, people don’t need to own an Uzi, AK-47 or AR-15 “Nobody needs an Uzi. Nobody needs an AK-47.” With those words to the media nearly 30 years ago, former Gov. James Florio set New Jersey on course to adopt the country’s strongest […]

NJ Is Totally Not Coming For Our Guns

What happens when a state which is already one of the most restrictive when it comes to 2nd Amendment Rights decides it wants to Do Something? Big N.J. gun bills about to clear final hurdle, and Phil Murphy wants to make them law Gov. Phil Murphy will soon get his chance to sign tougher gun […]

Oregon Group Looks To Pass Gun Ban On November Ballot

Remember, they don’t want to ban guns or take away your rights, they just want to make it harder for criminals to get guns Group approves wording for proposed gun control measure in Oregon The group working to ban some semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines in Oregon is taking another step forward. The Lift Every […]

NY Bill Would Give School Employees Right To Ask Court To Take Guns From Parents

When we talk about slippery slopes, and a concern that if you give the gun grabbers some of their “common sense gun control reforms”, they’ll push the envelope even more, this is what we mean Teachers in New York could gain right to ask courts to strip guns from troubled students New York may allow […]

Hotcoldwetdry Won’t Heat The Planet Equally Or Something

But, this isn’t about what you’re thinking, nor what I though when I first saw the headline. It’s not about creating a Narrative where you can still blame ‘climate change’ when the temperatures do not comply with prognostications. Oh, no Climate change won’t heat the planet equally You’ve probably heard what happens when there’s a […]

Bloomberg Front Group Pushing Initiative That Effect Lawful Gun Owners In Washington

Once again, we see that the object of gun control from the gun grabbers is not to go after those who use firearms in an unlawful manner, but to make it more difficult for lawful gun owners Washington: NRA Files Legal Challenge Against Misleading Ballot Title for Gun Control Initiative Yesterday, NRA filed a legal […]

Pirate's Cove