September 14, 2017 – 3:49 pm
Well, there are lots of walls they do like. Like the ones they build around their homes to keep out the riff raff. Especially in liberal cities, where they do not want blacks and latinos on their property. And (via Twitchy) #UCBerkeley installing concrete k-rail barrier around Zellerbach. Expecting protests against @benshapiro speech tonight. @nbcbayarea […]
August 31, 2017 – 8:44 am
As you’re well aware, there’s been a long simmering debate about Free Speech, particularly on campus. It is now exploding into a much wider debate, and the LA Times gives “Laura Weinrib, a professor of law at the University of Chicago Law School, and the author of “The Taming of Free Speech: America’s Civil Liberties […]
August 30, 2017 – 4:54 pm
Regardless of how you look at this, it’s really not helping Ann Coulter says storm Harvey is more likely God’s punishment for Houston’s lesbian mayor than a result of climate change Divine retribution for a lesbian mayor makes more sense than climate change, provocateur says Seemingly striving to cause the most offence with the lowest […]
August 27, 2017 – 7:47 am
This is now how they do Free Speech in San Fransisco , one of the leading cities in Progressive World (Fox News) Protesters opposing a right-wing gathering in liberal San Francisco claimed victory Saturday when the event was cancelled after city officials walled off a city park — a move that the event’s organizer said […]
August 22, 2017 – 4:02 pm
One of the problems we’ve seen for years now is that kids are going to college and majoring in disciplines that aren’t worth the paper they’re printing on, much less the tens of thousands of dollars of student debt accrued. At least with the old basket weaving degree joke, making baskets can result in money […]
August 17, 2017 – 8:35 am
Consider what he said in Miami, now that the city has given up its sanctuary jurisdiction status (Miami Herald) Attorney General Jeff Sessions came to Miami on Wednesday to deliver a stark warning on the dangers of “criminal aliens†and praised the county’s mayor for being the first big-city leader to abandon “sanctuary†protections and […]
August 15, 2017 – 6:58 am
Newt Gingrich makes a salient point Trump said bigotry and violence are “un-American,†Gingrich said on “The Story with Martha MacCallum†Monday night. “But clearly there was a hunger for him to use the specific phrases about white supremacists and about the KKK and about Nazis. He came back today (Monday afternoon), he said every single […]
August 5, 2017 – 7:28 am
There’s a very easy solution to this problem: cooperate with federal officials, who are tasked with enforcing immigration law by the Constitution and duly passed immigration law at the federal level. Instead, the municipalities, counties, and state itself wants to be a sanctuary area for people who are unlawfully present in the United States California […]
July 28, 2017 – 7:05 am
It’s not the only reason, and only a small amount tuned out, but, when you equate that small percent with the number of people who watch football games, the drop turns rather huge WOW. So yes, protesting the National Anthem was extraordinarily costly to the NFL. — John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 27, 2017 From […]
July 24, 2017 – 10:30 am
These people are nuts (more at Twitchy) Powerful photo shows that women aren't the only ones who get periods — HuffPost (@HuffPost) July 23, 2017 From the article While Clemmer told HuffPost that a significant portion of the reaction to their photo has been rooted in transphobia, they’ve seen people who have broadened […]