July 22, 2017 – 7:21 am
Remember the days when we were told by the pro-illegal alien crowd that they had no problem getting rid of the Bad Illegals Undocumenteds? In practice, they aren’t happy over targeting those bad ones (Reuters) U.S. immigration agents are planning nationwide raids next week to arrest, among others, teenagers who entered the country without guardians […]
July 8, 2017 – 7:14 am
It’s a given in anti-Trump World that he 100% colluded with Russia and Putin to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. There’s no doubt in their minds that he was involved, despite absolutely no evidence having materialized in an investigation that has gone on for over a year at this point. The media has not […]
July 4, 2017 – 7:06 am
Cassady Rosenblum, an intern for the LA Times in the opinion section (does this mean she is not only not getting paid $15 an hour, as the LA Times keeps pushing, but not getting paid at all?), is on the cusp of something, but, really exposes that Liberals are unpatriotic and really do not like […]
July 1, 2017 – 2:57 pm
The same people who run the New York City transit system are the same ones who want to run America’s healthcare system Closures, overcrowding, rats: New York City commuters face ‘summer of hell’ The city’s aging subway has been declared ‘a state of emergency’. Combined with closures on other rail lines, riders are bracing for […]
June 26, 2017 – 6:58 am
Several days ago, California did this (CNN) California has issued a ban on state-funded and state-sponsored travel to four more states that it says have laws discriminating against LGBTQ people. The travel ban was first put into effect January 1 when state measure AB 1887 became law. The law says California is “a leader in […]
June 13, 2017 – 10:30 am
Unconstitutional and ripe for the Law Of Unintentional Consequences (WTVD) In a dramatic meeting Monday night, Orange County school board members voted against their attorney’s recommendation and approved an altered revision to the school system’s dress code policy to combat concerns about the Confederate flag on campuses. After 7 months of hearings and protests amid […]
June 9, 2017 – 7:01 am
There is obviously quite a lot of wishful think, miss-reactions, people ignoring what James Comey said, moving the goalposts quite a bit, and just plain moonbattery regarding Comey’s testimony from people who are simply unable to come to grips with Donald Trump as president, much like 4 year olds will throw tantrums over just about […]
June 7, 2017 – 7:39 am
Remember when Democrats argued in the wake of Arizona’s SB1070 immigration law that when it comes to immigration, all must follow federal law? Those were the days (Breitbart) The city council of Columbus, Ohio, voted on Monday to make it against the law to arrest anyone based on their illegal immigration status. The city also […]
June 3, 2017 – 7:14 am
Remember when Democrats used to screech about unfunded mandates during the George W. Bush years? Good times, good times. (LA Times) A proposal to adopt a single-payer healthcare system for California took an initial step forward Thursday when the state Senate approved a bare-bones bill that lacks a method for paying the $400-billion cost of […]
May 24, 2017 – 7:42 am
This is a dance we’ve seen time and time again. A person who practices extremist Islam, referred to as an Islamist, attacks in the name of their religion, and the Leftist apologists immediately go into a mode of “let’s not be mean to Muslims or talk about the root causes and we all need to […]