March 6, 2017 – 6:56 am
In a surprising move, the NY Times, per writer Susan Chira, is appalled as she notices the sexism against Kellyanne Conway, which, quite frankly is the norm for the way Democrats treat Conservative women. In fairness, both sides can be nasty towards women, but, Democrats have always made it a point to patronize women and […]
March 5, 2017 – 8:02 am
Arrests by Immigration And Customs Enforcement are causing great disturbances in the Leftist news rooms of America, starting with the NY Times, which is vexed by the detainment of an illegal ordered deported back in 2014, which I mentioned yesterday, and sees the Times’ Jennifer Medina throwing out strawmen Deportation Arrest Highlights Tensions in Los […]
February 25, 2017 – 6:54 pm
Remember a few weeks ago when Starbucks promised to hire 10,000 refugees over the next 5 years (I wonder how many they’ve hire at this point)? How’s that working out? (Via Zerohedge) (Yahoo Finance) The coffee giant’s consumer perception levels have fallen by two-thirds since late January, according to YouGov BrandIndex. The perception tracker measures if […]
February 23, 2017 – 2:33 pm
Remember when the city of Philadelphia, home to the odious Eagles and Flyers, enacted a tax on “sugary” drinks? How’s that working out? About as well as carbon taxes Soda companies, supermarkets report 30-50 pct. sales drop from soda tax The hell you say! Two months into the city’s sweetened-beverage tax, supermarkets and distributors are […]
February 18, 2017 – 7:29 am
It’s an interesting dichotomy. Leftists always tell us how peaceful they are, how they abhor violence, that the solution is never violence. Then, you turn around, and they are committing violence, such as assault, arson, property destruction. Remember all the rapes and other crimes from Occupy Wall Street? All the riots since Trump was elected? […]
February 6, 2017 – 7:10 am
The NY Times gleefully publishes an article proposing that the travel ban is bad for all these tech companies. A few things are forgotten, with the primary being “why is it bad for companies?” Writer Carlos Tejada also forgot to ask these companies how many refugees have been hired by the companies. The answer is […]
February 4, 2017 – 7:37 am
As far as being protests and opposition Leftists have come up with a wide range of excuses for all the violence that always seems to occur at their “protests”. We get a heavy dose of “it’s just a few people” and “they’re anarchists who come to play.” Funny that this pretty much only occurs […]
February 1, 2017 – 7:49 am
So, Mr. Trump has picked Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee. We can be assured that Democrats will give him a fair shake caterwaul and carry on to the point Mitch McConnell implements the nuclear option. We already have Nancy Pelosi saying that he’s a “very hostile appointment.” I wonder if she realizes her […]
January 29, 2017 – 8:27 am
Trump passed his so-called ban on Muslims, and a judge jumped in (The Hill) A federal judge in New York has issued an emergency stay temporarily halting the removal of individuals detained after President Trump issued an order to ban immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. The move appears to mark the […]
January 10, 2017 – 7:53 am
Richard Cohen is one of the Washington Post’s deep bench of uber-liberals. He’s managed to annoy everyone, even causing Salon to write “the inexplicably still-employed centrist hack that the neoconservative editorial board of the Washington Post masquerades as a liberal” (which says more about how far left Salon is), while Media Matters has had numerous […]