Category Archives: Liberal World

Duplicitous NY Times Suddenly Enthused By States Rights On Illegal Aliens

The Editorial Board of the NY Times really, really likes the notion of States and cities leading the resistance to something that hasn’t even happened in attempting to protect people who are….unlawfully present in the United States, people who decrease wages, take jobs from Americans, gum up the works at hospitals and cause emergency rooms […]

Trump Turned Christmas Films Into Horror Ones Or Something

A bit of Trump Derangement Syndrome, aimed at those who voted for him and himself How Trump Turned Christmas Films into Horror Films My family was never into Christmas. We were just too African to really feel it. Christmas is a feeling. The gifts, the trees, the little lights, the stockings, the carols were all […]

Surprise: Anti-Trump Graffiti Involved Philly City Attorney

I’m betting that this is going to be slow-walked to the point that he is not terminated or even charged with what should be a felony ( A city attorney involved in an anti-Donald Trump vandalism incident, caught on camera, made a “dumb mistake,” and remains in his job for now Mayor Kenney said Thursday. Uh […]

Washington Post: Say, This Castro Guy Was Pretty Darned Brutal And Bad For Cubans

One can usually rely on the Editorial Board of the Washington Post to be very much in sync with the pulse of the Progressive (nice fascist) left, which makes this editorial piece notable. While so many Progressives are extolling the virtue of Fidel Castro, such as Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Green Party candidate Jill […]

NY Times Trots Out An “Oh Woe is Me” Strawman On Illegal Immigration

I’m quite confidant that we will be treated to man more sob stories from illegal aliens in the pages of the Times, along with many other Leftist media outlets, over the next 6+ months. In this case, a Mr. Lundy Khoy Mr. Trump: I Am an Immigrant With a Criminal Record I arrived in the […]

Thank Goodness, It’s OK To Talk ‘Climate Change’ At Thanksgiving

This is obviously aimed at members of the Cult of Climastrology, who need clear guidance on, well, let’s face it, everything. Their Betters are the guides of their life If climate change comes up at Thanksgiving, it’s OK to talk. With Thanksgiving coming after a polarizing election campaign, Americans may have some tough choices to […]

Liberals Are Freaking Out Over The Possibility Of Questioning “High Risk” Immigrants

The potential pick of Chris Kobach for head of DHS has sent Liberals into apoplexy, starting with Christopher Hayes, on his very low rated show. The entire 8 minute video is worth a listen as to how Liberals have hissy fits over the notion that non-citizens from countries known to have Islamic extremism should be, […]

Washington Post: If Democrats Don’t Oppose Trump, They’re Abdicating Democracy Or Something

During the Era of Obama, dissent was not only un-patriotic, it was demeaned and termed racist. Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne has written plenty of opinion pieces deeming it racist, and has even gone as far as calling it “anti-statist,” which, in Liberal World, being anti-giant government is even worse than racism. But, now, we […]

Democrats Are Suddenly Realizing That This Whole Federalism Thing Might Be Good

Why? Obviously, because of Trump. Liberty Unyielding’s JE Dryer runs a story with the headline BloombergBusinessweek floats absurd fiscal threat against Trump from California. It’s base on California Democrats having a hissy fit and threatening political war against the Trump administration or something. It’s worth the full read, but, here’s a good part which caught […]

Democrats Riot, Vandalize Post Election

Remember this? Somehow the left's big slogan "when they go low, we go high" did NOT cover its reaction to losing the election — Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) November 10, 2016 I’m not sure Democrats understand the concept of the “high road” (Fox News) Police in Portland, Ore. declared that a once peaceful protest was […]

Pirate's Cove