July 31, 2016 – 8:00 am
We’ve just spend 7+ years living under a president (perhaps yours, not mine) who has increased the power of the Chief Executive and the agencies which report to him by leaps and bounds. Obama has used whatever power he could take, legally or not, constitutionally or not, whenever he wants. The rule making emanating from […]
July 25, 2016 – 3:23 pm
We’ve already seen the cost of socialism, which, unlike the political science definition, is really Statism, in other countries: massive lines and the inability to get food and goods in places like the USSR. Hundreds of millions slaughtered. Jailing dissidents. Well, the mass murder of citizens has mostly ended, but, things like jailing dissidents, shutting […]
July 23, 2016 – 7:15 am
The pro-abortion worshiping Left has long had a major problem with parental notification, seeing this as a restriction too far…well, really, any restriction on abortion is a restriction too far. In this case, what they’re very upset with is privacy rights and equal protection rights of underage girls. Keep that in mind (AP) The Alaska […]
July 19, 2016 – 7:45 am
I’m surprised that it took this long for liberal Gun Grabbers to come up with this duckspeak. First, we have Gawker saying that police unions should support the massive disarming of people who have committed no crime, so, violate their 2nd and 4th Amendment rights. Then If You Don’t Support Gun Control, Then You Don’t […]
July 14, 2016 – 7:08 am
Law and order is apparently all about raaaaacism these days, and very vexing to liberals (The Hill) Donald Trump’s embrace of “law and order†on the campaign trail is a risk that could pay big dividends, political experts say. Trump, who is on the verge of becoming the Republican presidential nominee next week, has begun […]
June 21, 2016 – 6:50 am
And what are Democrat Party run states? They’re the ones with the most gun restrictions (Daily Caller) Blue states have 42 percent more mass shootings than red states after adjusting for population, according to data published by Vox, a progressive media outlet, and examined by The Daily Caller News Foundation. Vox published its data after the Orlando […]
June 15, 2016 – 7:11 am
So far, the NY Times Editorial Board hasn’t blamed guns for the Orlando Islamist massacre. There have been plenty of other op-eds that have done that, as well as thinly veiled opinion pieces masquerading as articles. Because the EB knows exactly what’s to blame. No, not hardcore extremist Islam. What, you think they would actually […]
June 10, 2016 – 3:35 pm
Why, you ask? She’s not sufficiently pious to the belief that people who are gender confused should be allowed to use whatever bathroom, locker room, and shower they want whenever they want (and that little problem of bad people taking advantage of the idiotic policies) (Washington Times) Miriam Ben-Shalom was invited to serve as grand […]
May 31, 2016 – 8:15 am
Despite anti-gunnite talking points, most law abiding gun owners are not against background checks. We have no problem with making sure that the person attempting to purchase a firearm is not a bad person. But, do background checks actually stop Bad Guys from getting guns? For the most part, no. Hence, the NRA is not […]
May 23, 2016 – 7:30 am
The Editorial Board of the NY Times is Very Concerned about the state of the nations in South America, noting just how bad it all is, thanks to Leftism The Left on the Run in Latin America In 2004, President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, launched the Bolivarian Alternative for […]