Category Archives: Like, Gnarly, Dude

Good News: It’s Now Legal To Be A Witch In Canada Again

It’s especially helpful for warding off moose attacks (Narcity)  Throughout its history, Canada has instituted a slew of strange lawsthat no one really understood the purpose of. One law in particular, found in Section 365 of Canada’s criminal code, made it illegal to pretend to practice witchcraft, sorcery and fortune telling: 365 Every one who fraudulently (a) pretends […]

If All You See Goes Dark

Had to take this one just a little bit evil.

What Say To An Adorable Squirrel Eating Ice Scream?

Still One Of My Favorite Trump Protest Photos

Retweet if this made you literally laugh out — MancowMuller (@MancowMuller) November 11, 2016

South Carolina Town Will No Longer Tolerate Scary Clowns

Apparently, It is running around (USA Today)  No more clowning around. That’s the message Greenville law enforcement officials sent to the clowns who have reportedly been sighted at apartment complexes across the county. Addressing the incidents at a media conference Thursday, Greenville Police Chief Ken Miller said officers will arrest and charge anyone dressed up […]

Men Playing Pokemon Go Fail To Join List Of Darwin Awards Contenders

Hey, look, a Pikachuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (CNN) If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you too? What if your Pokémon took you there? Two men in their early 20s fell an estimated 50 to 90 feet down a cliff in Encinitas, California, on Wednesday afternoon while playing “Pokémon Go,” San Diego County Sheriff’s Department Sgt. […]

Police Offer Lots Of Suggestions For Pokemon GO Players

Are you part of the Pokemon GO craze? On the bright side, the game has done more to get kids off the couch than 7 years of Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” push. These things are showing up everywhere. People are walking all over my workplace looking for them (I caught people making an arm motion […]

Are Green Anti-Brexit’s Worried About The Opinion Of Interstellar Leaders?

Members of the Cult of Climastrology have been very concerned over what Brexit will do to the Paris climate agreement. What will Britain do? Will this cause problems from other nations? How about leaders of other planets (via Watts Up With That?) (UK Express)  ALIEN conspiracy theorists were sent into overdrive after European Commission president […]

Good News: 2012 Was Wrong Year, World To End June 3-4

If there’s something you really need to get done, better do it quick. And it would really suck to finally win the lottery, eh? (Times Of India) As four years after the deadline for the end of the world (as set by the Mayan calendar) came and went without incident, scholars across the world have […]

Liberals Finally Find A Tax They Don’t Like

And they’re suing to stop it (CNN) Five New York women are fighting to halt the state’s “Tampon Tax.” Margo Seibert, Jennifer Moore, Catherine O’Neil, Natalie Brasington, and Taja-Nia Henderson, filed a lawsuit Thursday against New York’s tax department and its commissioner, Jerry Boone. Their demand: Stop imposing a 4% “luxury tax” on feminine hygiene […]

Pirate's Cove