Category Archives: Like, Gnarly, Dude

It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than Piers Morgan Saying “Creepy Ass Cracka”

No, really, it sounds simply awesome when said in a British “upper class twit of the year” accent (via Real Clear Politics) PIERS MORGAN: Let’s talk about ‘creepy ass cracka.’ People have said that that is a phrase used by black people, cracka, to describe a white person. Is that true? BTW, Fire Andrea Mitchell […]


I’d forgotten about this little hashtag from Monday till I was reminded via Ace of the poem If my vagina was a gun, you would stand for its rights, You would ride on buses and fight all the fights. If my vagina was a gun, you would treat it with care, You wouldn’t spill all its […]

A Love Letter To The NSA Agent Who Is Monitoring My Online Activity

Funny stuff, via Ned Hardy from Happy Place, some big wet kisses to the NSA (click more tag to open in single page)

Memeorandum: Obama Apparently Looks Like Teenage Girls In Bikinis

There’s apparently this big kerfuffle about Satan in the History Channel’s show The Bible. Here it is I love when Memeorandum puts some random photo next to a story that is totally irrelevant. Here’s the photo Yeah, that’s from the upcoming movie “Spring Breakers”, an R rated bit of silliness which one source termed “The […]

Hey, Ladies, You Can Now Share The Delight Of Childbirth With Your Husband

Sounds like fun (via Caveman Circus)

Heartache: White House Won’t Support Petition To Build A Death Star

Total joy kill (US News) A “Death Star” won’t be a part of the U.S. military’s arsenal any time soon. More than 34,000 people have signed an online petition calling on the Obama administration to build the “Star Wars” inspired super-weapon to spur job growth and bolster national defense. But in a posting Friday on […]

Just A Camel Laughing While Being Tickled

Your Nose Shows When You Lie, Pinocchio

Interesting (Fox News) Much like Pinocchio, your nose could reveal that you’re lying, though unlike the beloved character, your nose will heat up instead of growing longer when you tell a fib, new research claims. Psychology researchers from the University of Granada in Spain used thermography to study the temperature of people’s faces in experiments. […]

Turkeys Revolt In Massachusetts, Form Gangs

Hey, isn’t the way it started in the 1770’s, with small revolts? Or, is it more like the streets of Los Angeles? The turkey’s may have had enough (via rdbrewer at Ace) (CBS Boston) Neighbors are on the offensive in Brookline after what some residents are describing as aggressive turkeys. “They were attacking the vehicle,” […]

Puppy Vs Doorstop

Because you probably need some cheering up

Pirate's Cove