Category Archives: John McCain

8 Stages Alert! Pulling Out A McCain Quote To Compare To Obama’s “Bitter”

Yeah, yeah, I usually start Sunday off with a Patriotic Pinup post, but this one is too juicy to hold off on. After 36 holes of golf Saturday, and all the beer afterwards, if I do not write it, my head may explode. On the “8 Stages of Liberal/Progressive Discussion When They Know They Are […]

Right Wing News: Most And Least Desirable McCain VP Picks

John Hawkins has his list of most and least desirable VP picks for McCain up at Right Wing News, where he asked a bunch of right wing leaning bloggers what they thought, including moi. Unfortunately, I only sent in most desirable, forgot the least desirable. Sigh.

Howie Screams About McCain’s Age And “Old Fashioned Ideas”

Who let him out of his cage? Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Thursday that swing voters participating in focus groups commissioned by the D.N.C. bring up John McCain’s age unprompted. “We didn’t bring it up, but they volunteered it,” said Dean who explained that voters have two concerns about McCain’s age. “One was […]

McCain On Patraeus And Supporting The Troops

I missed all the hoopla today with General Patraeus testifying, managers meeting all day, so, kinda behind the times on this. Happened last time, too. Best thing I can recommend is to check out Michelle Malkin’s spot. She has a great run down of what went on, plus, lots of links and trackbacks to follow. […]

John McCain On Iraq

  Cross posted at McCain Blogs. Come visit and join!

Ann Coulter On The Obamessiah’s “Dreams From My Father”

Yes, yes, I know Ann is on many Conservatives bad list, in some cases for saying the things that we in the base wish our wishy washy national GOP and RNC members would. Also, she never shares all those pies she gets. But, she has apparently slogged through one of Obama’s books, and finds it […]

Many Obama And Clinton Voters Refuse To Vote For The Other

This looks good for McCain (Gallup) A sizable proportion of Democrats would vote for John McCain next November if he is matched against the candidate they do not support for the Democratic nomination. This is particularly true for Hillary Clinton supporters, more than a quarter of whom currently say they would vote for McCain if […]

McCain McCarnival!!! Weekend Pirate Linkfest Sticky Post 3/14-3/16

The first McCain McCarnival is up at McCain Blogs! The McCarnival is an opportunity to highlight blogs and blog posts that support the candidacy of John McCain for President of the United States. If you would like to join the McCarnival you can submit your post here, and it will be included in the next […]

Sticky Post: McCain McCarnival For 3/14!

We at McCain Blogs are going to host the first of hopefully many blog carnivals (or roundups, for those not familiar with strange blog lingo) on Friday. We are soliciting submissions in the roundup (”McCarnival”) from any and all bloggers who have pro-McCain posts who would like to be included. Please go here to submit […]

Grey Lady Is Just “Wondering” About McCain Getting Cancer Again

Well, when I wrote this Sunday morning, planned to post it in the PM, I was using a baseball comparison, but, seems that Karl at protein wisdom beat me too it. Sigh. Oh, well, let’s use hockey! The Grey Ladies are down 0-3. One more game, and they will be sent packing from the playoffs. […]

Pirate's Cove