Category Archives: Music

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in Returned America! The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my new Overdrive pedal is freaking awesome! Maybe I’ll write about it at the end of this post or another one. This pinup, something a bit more modern, is by Joe Chiodo, with a wee bit of help. […]

Metal Christmas: LA Guns – Little Saint Nick

It’s A Metal Christmas – Rob Halford “Oh Holy Night”

Happy Thanksgiving! Are We Ready For Christmas Music?

I think I can find enough metal/hard rock/rock songs to make it to Christmas

Gibson Sends Cease And Desist Letter To Trump Guitars

A case of Trump Derangement Syndrome or simply trying to protect their property? Or just some TDS from Rolling Stone? Gibson Hits Trump Guitars With Cease and Desist A guitar company touting an endorsement from President-elect Donald Trump has been hit by a cease and desist order from Gibson. According to Guitar World, the 130-year-old […]

Evening Metal: Opeth – The Grand Conjuration

Evening Metal – Lacuna Coil: In The Meantime

Climate Nuts Protest Toyota At Paris Olympics

I wonder how many of them took fossil fueled trips to Paris? How many are wearing clothes and stuff made with petroleum? Protest Posters Targeting Toyota Debut at Paris Olympics The Paris Olympics are now underway, and the effects of the competition on the surrounding city are numerous, including security checkpoints and transit changes. Some of the effects […]

Young Women Turning Metal Songs Into Feminist Anthems (or something?)

I’m a person who listens to all sorts of rock, from soft like Christopher Cross to country style like Jimmy Buffett and the Eagles to Southern rock to straight rock to acid rock to hard rock to metal. New Wave, punk, you name it, I listen to artists from all those genres of rock. My […]

AI Lyrics Vs Real Lyrics

I have some thoughts on AI generated lyrics, was having a discussion on them in Real Life, maybe I’ll discuss later, but, what about the difference on these. Below the fold

Pirate's Cove