Category Archives: Music

Top 15 Movie Rock Songs

Just rock. In no particular order: Van Halen – Everybody Wants Some – Better Off Dead Everybody Wants Some – Better Off DeadUploaded by RetroCafe. – Arts and animation videos.

Your Tax Dollars Now Being Used For Grateful Dead Archive

Look, I love the Grateful Dead. I’ve seen them live in Philly (2x), Norfolk (2x), D.C., and Hershey Park. Good time everytime. Even so, this is rather absurd The Grateful Dead Archive has taken another step in its long strange trip, from the UC Santa Cruz library to its own Web site, The Virtual Terrapin […]

Lazy Saturday Fun

Obama’s Elf See more like this on One of the greatest beach music songs eveh! Click it for full size

Back On The Road

Heading to Blowing Rock, with a stop in Raleigh. Thought about stopping overnight in D.C., but, sheesh, it is supposed to be in the mid-90’s, and the humidity is already in the mid-70’s. No thanks!

Friday Evening Vacation Buffett

Top 10 Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Groups In Influence

Everyone’s got their favorites, but, really, who are the top 10 groups in the Heavy range who had the most influence? Starting at the top 1. Black Sabbath – This group released their first album, Black Sabbath, on 2/13/1970, which also happened to be Friday the 13th, and created a revolution. Often named in most […]

Bo Diddley, R.I.P

One of the all time greats in music, Bo Diddley, has passed on at the age of 79 Move vids below the jump of one of the most influential and unique guitarists of all time. If you play guitar and don’t know Bo, then you don’t know guitar!

Shake A Tail Feather

Don’t forget to check out Stacy’s weekend music post!

Jungle Love

Heard it on the radio earlier. Had forgotten about this kick ass song.

The Band Get’s Their Grammy

Some of y’all may be too young to be hip to The Band, but, damn, one of the best live bands and one of the most influential of the time period. The were awarded a lifetime achievement award at the Grammy’s   Actor Tom Hanks announced the honour. “Somehow these four Canadians and a guy […]

Pirate's Cove