Category Archives: Musings

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

While I was up in Jersey checking on my sick Mom, helping Dad out, I re-read “Do As I Say, Not As I Do,” by Peter Schweizer. One quote early on really sticks out from the introduction: …Limbaugh, Bennett, and Dr. Laura were the first to admit that by contradicting their own principles they had […]

Amnesty International: Only US Bad

  At least vocally. How often do you hear AI discuss Iran or Iraq? They have a webpage slamming Iran’s human rights records. Torture, arbitrary detention, supression of the press, discrimination, denial of Freedom of Expression, organized murder, and horrific treatment of women, among others. Amnesty also has several interesting pages on Iraq, including this […]

Sudan: Why Bother?

I’m confused, maybe someone could help me out. The Hollywooder’s are saying to Bush “Do Something” about the tragedy going on in Sudan. so are many on the Left, as well as many EU countries. Yet what exactly does Sudan mean to the USA? It isn’t a threat to us. It has no nuclear weapons, […]

Duke Lacrosse: Random Thoughts

One of the lacrosse players was Black. Isn’t it kinda strange that a group which spends alot of time with him would be yelling racial slurs (I hate the word epithet, have since the OJ trial) with him around? And, again, isn’t it strange that 44 other players wouldn’t do jack squat to stop a […]

Playing The Devil On Illegal Immigration

Just for the sake of argument, lets say we (meaning the GOP) have some kind of amnesty program, perhaps where all illegals must register within six months, then have to go through all the rigamarole that the Senate Bill lays out. What do we end up with? We end up with people who we can collect taxes, […]

Word Of The Day

Pleonasm: Redundancy of language in speaking or writing; the use of more words than are necessary to express the idea; as, I saw it with my own eyes.

People Don’t Kill People, Guns Kill People

Or so the saying goes in the Leftard circles. So, what have these so called “Guns” done for us? Stood up and liberated the 13 Colonies from the tyranny of the British; Stood up against the British in 1812, saving a relatively new born country from incursions; Stood up and freed millions of Blacks in […]

WTW: Surrender Monkeys and Defeatocrats

Afternoon, y’all. I just have to wonder: do the Defeatocrats truly want the USA to lose Iraq? Is their irrational seething hatred of GWB so great that they would prefer that the USA slink away from Iraq before the job is done? Is that their version of Patriotism? So, I ask the Left: do you […]

India, Iran, And Nukes

Just wondering, why was it OK when North Korea was given a nuclear reactor capable of producing weapons grade material, but it is not OK to help India with their non weapons nuclear program, while pushing them to give up their existing nuclear weapons program? Oh, that’s right, Bush is President. Same reason the Left […]

The Queen Bee Death Theories

When it comes to the War on Terror, we can look to the Queen Bee Death Theories to explain the differences between Left and Right. There are two thoughts to the QBDT’s. The first states that if the Queen Bee is killed, the nest immediately dies, there are no more bees, and you can go about […]

Pirate's Cove