April 6, 2005 – 6:37 pm
So, I took a walk around the mall, was trying to see if anyone had a new cologne I heard about, which is being put out in the name of that girl, Bethany Hamilton, the one who had her arm bit off by a shark in Hawaii. It is supposed to remind people of being […]
April 2, 2005 – 7:44 pm
I mourn the passing of Pope John Paul II. Though I am not a Catholic, I virtually grew up with this Pope, watching his effect on the People of the Earth. A passionate man, a Holy man. God’s representative on Earth. How many people did he personally affect? Only they know. I have spent many […]
February 7, 2005 – 11:06 am
Buffalo wings and beer. Bad combination. What’s worse, I know it. They say that one should write no matter what every day. Fine. So be it. Get off my back, would ye? :) First off, Everyone Loves Raymond. This is a program I have never watched, but have seen the commercials. And, what do I […]
January 28, 2005 – 9:45 am
Can Do! Give it the old college try. I’ll take a shot at it. Swing for the cheap seats. Give it your best. Go for it. I think I can, I think I can. What do all these sayings have to do with one another? They are all about the American Spirit. They are all […]
January 27, 2005 – 3:12 pm
I have been reading the Da Vinci Code. Interesting book. Not done quite yet. But what of other religious symbols? Most of us know the story of the Ark of The Covenant. But did you know that it most probably resides in a small temple in Ethiopia? Here is some interesting information for you (also, […]
January 1, 2005 – 6:47 pm
Everyone else out there is making their predictions for 2005, I figured that it is time to make some myself. George Bush will be inaugurated. (happened) The big weenie, John Kerry (he is a US Senator, you know) will not break 40% attendance for votes. Teresa Heinz Kerry will say something incredibly insensitive in public. […]
December 9, 2004 – 4:12 pm
One of the things I love about working in the mall now is that I get to see all the great stuff. Like all those girlie man adds for clothes and perfume cologne. You know what? ‘Taint going to get me to buy that stuff. You want me to buy some of those clothes or […]
December 4, 2004 – 9:13 am
I would like to thank all the wonderful people I have seen in person the past few days, at least one of whom is attempting to give me their cold. I know it isn’t the flu, as I am not coughing my brains out, like usually happens, nor is the world coming to me through […]
November 16, 2004 – 7:01 pm
I must say that Condi Rice is a fantastic choice for Secretary of State. She is tough, unflappable, defiantly misunderestimated (see the 9/11 Commission hearings, and what she did to Bob Kerrey), and will put her stamp on the State Dept., a fed gov’t institution that has always been rather namby pamby (did I just […]
November 14, 2004 – 9:00 am
I am sure that most of y’all know that the Federal Communications Commission only gets involved after a broadcast, if there are complaints. I wonder what would happen if alot of right thinking folks sent in complaints regarding the broadcast of the last Bin Laden terror tape? It did use bad language and make threats […]