Category Archives: Musings

W for Pres 2008?

Ok, this is a bit of a pipe dream, but bear with me here. Using the Moonbats own argument, that W did not win the 2000 Election but was appointed, if that is the case, then the 22nd Amendment comes into play: Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President […]

In Play

I believe if I hear the phrase “in play” many more times, the Cap’n might go moonbat!

It’s a Paris Halloween

Is it just me, or am I just being a prude? Seems as if dressing like Paris Hilton (sorry to any who got here through a search engine, no pictures or rumors) is all the rage. Many tv personalities have dressed up as Paris, including Kelly Ripa. Hmmm, let’s see. The woman (Paris, not Kelly), […]

Setting the Bar

Random thought before heading to work. Let’s suppose Kerry wins. His constant bloviation about everything being the direct responsibility of the POTUS really sets the bar high. What will Kerry do? Will he fly to Iraq to direct military actions, subplanting the field commanders? Will he personally hire people? Will he set the interest rate? […]

Why I am voting Bush

Many will, and have certainly, given much better discources on why they are voting for W. My take is actually very simple. I am an independent. I voted for Clinton’s 2nd, as I thought he was a better candidate for that time then Dole. I voted for Al “taking the short route to Insanity Rd” […]

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

The Demorats and their supporters continue to bloviate on “middle class tax burden” and increasing the tax percentage on those making $200K and more. The rich. When did making $200k become rich? Sure, it is a goodly amount of money, but, it isn’t “rich,” mate. If they do not like it, why not send a […]

Hero’s For Bush

Tis I, Captain Jack Sparrow, come to tell ye that I shall be supporting Cap'n George in his reelection over that bilge rat, Senator John Kerry and and his pan wench, First mate John Edwards. George, may I call him George, is a fine lad, who has raised his Jolly Roger, and declared war on […]

She’s a Lesbian: Not an Issue

According to Debra Deshong, a senior advisor to the Kerry campaign, it’s not an issue. She has said that this morning, and at least one other time this week on Fox and Friends. From Elizabeth Edwards, we had “She’s (Lynne Cheney) overreacted to this and treated it as if it’s shameful to have this discussion. […]

That Kool Aid

Just a bit peeved off about “Kool Aid.” Throughout the blogosphere, forums, and the internet(s), the phrase “Kool Aid” has become somewhat popular. When did it become acceptable for it be be spoken on TV? Being as it is a reference to what the followers of Jim Jones drank (grape flavored), mixed with cyanide, to […]

Iran and North Korea: random thought

The left keeps telling us that W took his eye off the ball, and missed OBL (or UBL: whatever). Yet they want to “do something” about North Korea and Iran. Could any liberal out there explain what those 2 countries have to do with OBL and Al Queda? Kerry and Edwards sure seem like they […]

Pirate's Cove