October 4, 2004 – 5:03 pm
ECU 7 – Louisville 59. Geez, at this rate I might have to consider changing the name of my Blog, my Pirates are getting a little embarrassing. Maybe I could go with a NJ Devils motif. How about the Devils Den? Na, that is the name of the Devs merchandise site. Devils Playground? Nope, that […]
October 3, 2004 – 9:28 am
Just a random thought. The Lefties continually say “Iraq never attacked us!” Did Afghanistan attack us? Did the Taliban attack us? Did either attack the 25 countries who initially were involved in the war in Afghanistan? Sure, there is that NATO treaty that says if one is attacked, all are attacked, and shall help respond. […]
October 2, 2004 – 1:51 pm
Perhaps I should have created another category: stupidity. I just spent 20 minutes searching the ‘net for fish stores. There was a yellow pages 2 feet away from me. Found one in 2 minutes. Is the internet making us lazy :)
September 28, 2004 – 10:52 pm
Which British Literary Period are you? Medieval 1066-1500–The time of Arthur and his knights, and Chaucer. Friendship and loyalty are important to you. Click Here to Take This QuizBrought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. Yeah, that is about right. Though, let’s put this in outer space! Found at I Love Jet Noise. […]
September 22, 2004 – 7:45 am
If Kerry’s position on the war is that it is the “wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time,” how does he expect to get international cooperation (read France and Germany, of course)? (Thought courtesy of a poster on a forum, BushBotNov3)
September 4, 2004 – 3:41 pm
Shopping. Yes, shopping. For clothes. Unless you want a suit, it is truly annoying. Men do not like to shop for clothes. Why? Partly, it is because, for most of us, sweats or shorts and a t-shirt is just fine. Socks? What are socks? But it isn’t easy to shope for clothes, particularly casual. Suits: […]
August 28, 2004 – 10:09 pm
An oldy but a goody: Why did God make dogs? I don’t think it was accidental. Certainly there are exceptions, and certainly people can breed dogs to bring out the worst in them, but in general there is nothing more selfless, loving or patient than a dog. Mistreat it and it comes back to you […]
August 22, 2004 – 5:34 pm
Lefties, here is a little challenge for you: if you are going to condemn tax breaks, why not take that money and send it BACK to the Feds? Put your money where your mouth is. All you have to do is write a check, or pop on down to the local IRS office, and tell […]
August 20, 2004 – 12:39 pm
This bothers me: Church Says Girl’s Communion Not Valid: Catholic Church Invalidates Communion of Girl With Digestive Disorder Because Wafer Lacked Wheat BRIELLE, N.J. Aug. 19, 2004 — An 8-year-old girl who suffers from a rare digestive disorder and cannot eat wheat has had her first Holy Communion declared invalid because the wafer contained no […]
July 28, 2004 – 12:10 pm
One of the stats that has seemingly been ignored by the media now is the death toll to the Iraqi people during the 12 years of sanctions. I remember reading that it worked out to approximatley 50,000 people per year or more. That figure might be low. Some have estimated almost 2 million children alone […]