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- James Lewis on Now The TikTokers Are Ruining Books With “Book Wealth”: “Use Google” Mar 15, 21:30
- Jl on Bummer: Second Columbia Hamas Supporter Arrested: “Really? This from NPR two days ago: “these layoffs will still allow states to continue receiving federal funds, including money…” Mar 15, 19:59
- Jl on If All You See…: “What the Muslims have against you is that you haven’t turned your civilization clock back 1400 years like they have……” Mar 15, 19:05
- Elwood P Dowd on Now The TikTokers Are Ruining Books With “Book Wealth”: “I have no idea how to access tiktok, twitter, instagram etc.” Mar 15, 19:01
Category Archives: Musings
Did The Right Actually Abandon Discussing Islamic Jihad?
August 1, 2012 – 11:08 am
Donald Douglas brought a post from Pam Geller to my attention the other day, and it got me thinking. Is there really a dirty little secret on the Right? Actually, it’s a big dirty secret. [Scroll for updates] I could not help but notice, over the past few years, the right wing blogosphere’s silence on […]
April 30, 2012 – 6:08 pm
Via Teresamerica from Stephen Smuts I’m wondering how long this graphic will survive over at Photobucket. I long ago locked down my folders there because too many got upset by things like the above Then there’s this one, which I posted at some point previously
Dharun Ravi Could Face At Least 10 Years For Thought Crimes
February 28, 2012 – 7:20 pm
You’ve probably heard about the issue with Dharun Ravi: he was the Rutgers U. student who used a webcam to spy on his roommate, Tyler Clementi, having homosexual sex. Clementi later disappeared, then was found to have committed suicide. Ravi’s trial has started (Seattle PI) Early witnesses testified that Ravi expressed discomfort about having a […]
When The Government Can Sue The Government For More Taxpayer Money….
January 9, 2012 – 7:41 am
….we should turn the concern meter up to 11 (Fox News) School districts and their supporters around the US have launched a wave of lawsuits asking courts to order more spending on public education, contending they face new pressures as states cut billions of dollars of funding while adding more rigorous educational standards. About half […]
Bummer: #Occupy Is Really The 1%
January 5, 2012 – 11:42 am
Surprisingly, CNN has decided to bitch slap the Occupiers with the cold dead mackerel of reality Americans make up half of the world’s richest 1% The United States holds a disproportionate amount of the world’s rich people. It only takes $34,000 a year, after taxes, to be among the richest 1% in the world. That’s […]
What Is It About Tim Tebow That Creates TDS?
December 6, 2011 – 9:27 am
I seriously would like to know. Here is a good kid (you know you’re getting older when you call a a twenty something NFL quarterback a kid) who hasn’t had run ins with the law, doesn’t beat women, hasn’t been caught up in a nightclub shooting, doesn’t wander around with a posse, hasn’t failed a […]
OWS: Capitalism Vs. Socialism
October 14, 2011 – 10:58 am
Via LauraW at Ace’s spot, we get this gem You’ve people got it backwards. Capitalism calls for insolvent banks to fail. Socialism calls for them to be bailed out.submitted 11 hours ago by r3compile Edit: Some more complete thoughts: The free market gets rid of risky, unstable businesses. Capitalism means if you don’t have a […]
Perhaps It’s Time To Simply Ignore The NY Times
September 11, 2011 – 2:09 pm
Why? Well, because of the unhinged idiocy that spews forth, particularly from their lead moonbat, Paul Krugman, who decided to go completely political on this 10th Anniversary of September 11th. I shan’t link him, but, you can read about his article at Washington Times, Big Journalism, Washington Monthly, Scared Monkeys, The Confluence, Weasel Zippers, Flopping […]
Hurricane Irene And Earthquake Caused By MLK, Jr’s Ghost…Wait, What?
August 28, 2011 – 7:21 pm
If you thought that some of the politicization of the earthquake and Irene regarding anthropogenic global warming, picking on nuclear power plants, and other stuff was bad, wait till you read this one from Rochelle Riley in the Detroit Free Press The American civil rights movement was to come full circle today as its soldiers […]