Category Archives: Nanny State

Nanny Bloomberg Not Happy With Soda Ban Block, Vows More Nannyism

In case you missed it, a judge has struck down Michael Bloomberg’s big sugary drink ban, partly due to Bloomberg sidestepping the city council, partly because it was “arbitrary and capricious” in what was banned and what wasn’t. Bloomberg vows to fight the ruling, because NYC has absolutely no other problems (Newsday) New York City Mayor […]

Nanny Bloomberg’s Big Sugary Drinks To Cause Problems With Coffee Shops

Who would have thought that Bloomberg’s rule would turn baristas into government enforcement workers? (NY Times) Come Tuesday, when Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s ban on the sale of large sugary drinks goes into effect after months of public debate over the measure, its impact on beverages like soda will be clear: no more jumbo colas. […]

Nevada Looks To Protect You From The Evils Of Walking And Texting

Just another law to protect you from you (KTVN) Using your cell phone without a hands free device while driving has been illegal in Nevada for more than a year. Assembly Bill 123 could take the law one step further. If passed, the bill would make it illegal for pedestrians to read, browse the Internet, […]

Some See Nanny Bloomberg’s Soda Ban As Racist

It seems that another group thinks the big sugary drinks regulation is a Bad Idea (WRAL)  Opponents of the city’s limit on the size of sugary drinks are raising questions of racial fairness alongside other complaints as the novel restriction faces a court test. The NAACP’s New York state branch and the Hispanic Federation have […]

Adult Entertainment Industry Not Thrilled With LA County Condom Referendum

The Nanny State strikes the p0rn industry (ABC News) A ballot measure mandating that porn stars wear condoms in adult films passed with 56 percent of the vote in Los Angeles County this week, but the adult film industry in California says it has already has a system to curb the spread of sexually transmitted […]

Crazy People Want Federal Investigation Into Sugary Drinks

Looks like Nanny Bloomberg opened a big can of worms nannies with his call for limiting the size of sugary drinks (Treehugger) A group of almost 100 national and local health, medical, and consumer organizations, plus a handful of municipal public health departments and more than 20 prominent individuals are calling on the Surgeon General […]

Restaurant Investigated For Offering Church Members Discounts

This is un-freaking-believable….or maybe not so unbelievable in today’s America. Todd Starnes reports (Fox News) A family-owned restaurant in Pennsylvania is under a state discrimination investigation for offering a ten percent discount for diners who present a church bulletin on Sundays. The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission confirmed there is an investigation against Prudhomme’s Lost Cajun […]

Nanny Bloomberg Wants To Ban All Large Sugary Drinks

Having solved all of NYC’s problems, Bloomberg continues to go after Other People’s lifestyles (CNBC) New York City plans to enact a far-reaching ban on the sale of large sodas and other sugary drinks at restaurants, movie theaters and street carts, in the most ambitious effort yet by the Bloomberg administration to combat rising obesity. […]

California Lawmaker Wants To Protect Kids From Evil…..Food Trucks

Said lawmaker must have been indoctrinated a few too many times while listening to Michelle Obama (KTLA) A California state lawmaker believes food trucks are contributing to childhood obesity, and wants to keep them farther than marijuana dispensaries from schools. Assemblyman William Monning (D-Carmel) chairs the Assembly Health Committee. Monning wants to ban all food […]

Nanny NTSB Urges Cellphone Ban In Cars

Remember: “It’s For Your Own Good. We Know What Is Best For You. We Are Your Betters.” (Washington Post) The National Transportation Safety Board recommended Tuesday that all states and the District ban cellphone use behind the wheel, becoming the first federal agency to call for an outright prohibition on telephone conversations while driving. Distracted […]

Pirate's Cove