February 23, 2015 – 4:06 pm
Interestingly, he really doesn’t seem to want to pass cap and trade, he just wants to use it for political reasons….hmm, that sounds exactly like what I’ve been saying for years, that “climate change” is primarily a political tool (CNN) With Republicans in control of both houses of Congress, the odds of passing a climate […]
February 20, 2015 – 7:09 am
Get the popcorn ready (Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel) A former top staffer to U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin has rejected a proposed severance deal that would have required her to remain silent regarding what she knew about the problems at the troubled Tomah VA Medical Center. Now Marquette Baylor, ex-deputy state director for Baldwin and chief […]
February 3, 2015 – 4:30 pm
I’ve already mentioned several times that Obama’s proposed budget is primarily about creating a fight with not just Congressional Republicans, but all Republicans. More proof (Politico) Obama is using the budget to challenge Republicans on middle-class issues, as well as national security funding. He made his budget pitch during a visit to the Department of […]
January 19, 2015 – 8:25 am
They also expect bitter confrontations. I’m not quite sure what would make them think that, you guys! (Washington Times) House and Senate Republicans came away from their joint retreat in Hershey, Pennsylvania, this weekend bracing for bitter confrontations with President Obama and skeptical that the president is willing to make deals even on the handful […]
January 5, 2015 – 11:58 am
If you’re like me, you probably gave a little sigh, maybe a bit of a jaw rub, perhaps a full facepalm, thinking that the LA Times suddenly is concerned about gridlock now that Democrats are in the minority, because they want to make sure that Democrats are able to get their legislation passed. And that’s […]
January 2, 2015 – 8:39 am
I’m not going to make this post about “climate change”, but, can you guess what’s missing? (Washington Times) Dissatisfaction with government topped the list for Americans of most important problems facing the country last year for the first time in Gallup records, also marking the first year since 2007 that the economy was not the […]
December 29, 2014 – 8:26 am
The voting American public became tired of Congressional Democrats, so they gave Republicans control of the Senate and created an even larger majority in the House. Therefore, even before seeing what legislation the GOP may pass, Obama is already threatening to pull out his veto pen. He’s apparently forgotten that he has a phone (actually, […]
November 12, 2014 – 5:40 pm
This ranks right up there with the dumbest excuses for Dems getting shellacked. Someone else tried this one, I think it had to do with Wendy Davis losing the Texas gov race. Here’s the Raleigh News and Observer’s Rob Christensen Christensen: Gerrymandered districts denied NC voters a real choice Last week, North Carolina voters booted […]
November 6, 2014 – 1:12 pm
Now that they realize that they are going to be the minority party in the Senate, they’re realizing that the filibuster thing is super awesome and a necessary part of Democracy. Here’s one of the least caustic articles, which actually has a few good thoughts (Mother Jones) Danny Vinik says that with Democrats soon to […]
August 29, 2014 – 8:38 am
An interesting catch by the Washington Post, which is probably trying to put out the fire surrounding this issue several months ahead of the election In Washington, Sen. Mary Landrieu lives in a stately, $2.5 million brick manse she and her husband built on Capitol Hill. Here in Louisiana, however, the Democrat does not have […]