November 29, 2013 – 7:19 am
Democrats and Mr. Obama love to create a fight when things should be simple (The Hill) Guns that cannot be detected by X-ray machines will no longer be banned if Congress does not renew the decades-old prohibition by Dec. 9. The 1998 Undetectable Firearms Act will sunset that day, ending the prohibition at a time […]
November 27, 2013 – 7:59 am
Anything to distract from the failure of his “signature legislation”, Obamacare (The Hill) The Obama administration on Tuesday moved to rein in the “dark money†groups that have spent millions of dollars in political campaigns without disclosing their donors. In draft guidance to be issued by Treasury and the IRS, the administration proposes new standards […]
November 25, 2013 – 8:08 am
The free-fall of Obama’s poll numbers continues (Politico) A majority of Americans think President Barack Obama is untrustworthy, according to a new poll that also found doubts about the president’s management abilities. Fifty-three percent believe Obama is not honest and trustworthy, the CNN/ORC poll released Monday shows, noting a “clear majority†for the first time […]
September 1, 2013 – 9:18 am
Something a bit humorous from The Telegraph’s Tim Stanley Obama and Syria: Britain has helped Obama rediscover the Constitution. No need to thank us, America This afternoon, President Obama was 35 minutes late to deliver his statement on Syria to the media. Well, he likes to keep his fans waiting. But when he did show […]
August 21, 2013 – 9:27 am
Don’t forget, this is supposed to be about Science (via Tom Nelson) (Boulder Daily Camera) [Gerald Meehl, a senior scientist at NCAR] “But how these things get portrayed, and the wording used to describe them, may change, to try to make it more clear. The caveat is that that’s not the final version.” That was […]
June 13, 2013 – 3:04 pm
Usually, one can count on The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza to be hyper partisan. Yet, this article, written with Sean Sullivan, makes a good point, that people do not really want compromise, despite polls slamming Congress for not compromising and all the yammering that people do. They tell us why 1. Everyone likes the idea […]
January 4, 2013 – 9:10 am
Most in the Legacy Media are referring to this as some sort of capitulation from John Boehner, instead of an understanding that the Senate porked up the Sandy bill (US News) Cowing to bipartisan pressure, House Speaker John Boehner is bringing to the House floor Friday a measure to help fund recovery efforts for Hurricane […]
January 4, 2013 – 8:42 am
I’m wondering if Liberals and Occupiers will protest against what appears to be yet another Big Company involved in a pay for play scheme to avoid punishment? Anyhow, there are two big stories over at Politico about how Google beat the feds, the first linked by Drudge, more about the nuts and bolts of the […]
December 8, 2012 – 4:19 pm
Jim Geraghty provides a great plan so that Blue states pay their “fair share”. The article comes from a newsletter from Jim, which arrives in email, but is similar to what Jim posted on the 5th (via Doug Ross) Hmm. Joel Kotkin of Forbes lays out how the tax hikes envisioned by Obama and congressional […]
November 29, 2012 – 7:40 am
Scott Shane, writing for the Fish Wrap, makes a darned good point, part of one that I’ve been making in blog posts and on Twitter for well over a month. Much of the article is focused on providing cover for Susan Rice, Barack Obama, and others involved in giving us the stupid “it was a […]