Category Archives: Politics

Quote Of The Day

This one comes from Rusty Shackleford, founder of The Jawa Report, who’s discussing the very touching story of the Oparowskis, who were helped and consoled personally by Mitt and Ann Romney But unlike Obama’s handlers who I expect will march people on to stage telling stories about how Obama saved them because of this or […]

Bob’s A Raaaaacist

Are you like Bob?

Montana’s Democrat Gov Whines About Money In Politics

Of course, Montana governor Brian Schweitzer is only concerned with one type of money, namely from those Evil corporations because if that “infamous Citizens United” ruling (NY Times) In the absence of strict rules governing campaign money, these big players will eventually get what they seek. I vetoed these bills, but future governors might sign […]

Liberals Not Too Upset About Using Campaign Donations For Political Sway

In this case, the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent notes Some leading gay and progressive donors are so angry over President Obama’s refusal to sign an executive order barring same sex discrimination by federal contractors that they are refusing to give any more money to the pro-Obama super PAC, a top gay fundraiser’s office tells me. […]

Congress Reaches Tentative Deal On “Temporary” Payroll Tax Extension

Of course, many in the media and the Democrat Party (but, I repeat myself) are portraying this as Republicans caving. Pretty much because this is about the only thing that Obama has done that is actually popular, to a degree. Why removing money from the Social Security fund is popular, I’m not sure (Washington Post) […]

Obama’s Budget Can Be Seen As “Borderline Delusional”

Those aren’t my words, but those of Politico writer David Rogers He ran on hope, governed through despair and now, with his election-year budget, President Barack Obama is trying to light the old spark, fleshing out a political narrative for America that can inspire with its romance but also seem borderline delusional to his critics […]

Shockingly, Dems Passed Congressional Insider Trading Bill As A Political Weapon

I’ll give Harry Reid some credit for bringing the legislation to the Senate floor and getting it passed, at least till we get an in-depth look at the legislation and see if it actually does what it says, but (The Hill) The White House and Democrats have seized on legislation barring lawmakers from making insider […]

Confirmed: Obama The Most Polarizing President Ever

I’m sure somewhere this is because of raaaaacism (Washington Post) President Obama ran — and won — in 2008 on the idea of uniting the country. But, each of his first three years in office have marked historic highs in political polarization, with Democrats largely approving of him and Republicans deeply disapproving. For 2011, Obama’s […]

Obama’s One Good Idea: Ban Congressional Insider Trading

About the only thing of consequence he said during the SOTU that wasn’t part of a campaign speech (The Politico) Conservatives in the blogosphere found one small aspect of the president’s State of the Union address that they could praise: a bill banning insider trading by members of Congress. “Send me a bill that bans […]

Tom Coburn Releases Wastebook 2011, Highlights Government Waste

Unfortunately, this is not a thriller or science fiction (Fox News) Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn on Tuesday released his annual “Wastebook” highlighting what he’s labeled some of the government’s most wasteful spending items, including $113,000 for a video game preservation center and $765,000 to subsidize “pancakes for yuppies” in Washington. Coburn, a Republican who is […]

Pirate's Cove