September 29, 2010 – 9:29 am
Obviously, Max Baucus is rather upset with the money pouring in to elections from both sides…..wait, what? The Senate’s chief tax writer has called for a federal investigation into advocacy groups that have become increasingly popular vehicles for outside donations. These groups, known as 501(c)4s after the section of the tax code that defines them, […]
September 27, 2010 – 10:01 am
Obviously, since Democrats are in control of the Senate, they and their unhinged minions have a problem with the filibuster, something they used to great effect during the Bush years. Well, during the 4 years they didn’t control the Senate while Bush was president. Moonbats forget that part. Of course, they didn’t use it quite […]
August 26, 2010 – 8:38 am
So far, CNN has done two top 10 list of things to do in the next 10 weeks, one for Obama, one for the GOP. Interestingly, they haven’t done one for the Democrats. Perhaps it is just too depressing and doesn’t matter, given the consistent numbers showing the GOP is preferred, and the Dems will […]
August 14, 2010 – 7:59 am
Another Saturday, another day for, well, can you really call him President at this point? The position was established to be the head of government of the United States of America, representing all Americans, not to act as chairman of a political party. Anyhow, Chump has scary news! Reviving a scare tactic that Democrats have […]
August 12, 2010 – 8:26 am
That’s a question that ABC News asks on the front page of their website. And, if guessed that they would simply blame Republicans, nope, sorry, you owe me a shot of Tequila There was an extraordinary moment during the final senate debate on Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court confirmation. While Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered remarks, […]
July 12, 2010 – 8:37 am
Really, no one should be shocked, though, The Politico sure seems to be President Barack Obama has long boasted about the transformative change he’s bringing to the country. But by the time those reforms finally arrive, he could be long gone from the White House. Some of Obama’s biggest promises won’t go into effect until […]
July 9, 2010 – 4:38 pm
Over at AOL, Noah Blumenthal turns around and bites himself in the tuchus – Opinion: We’re Becoming a Nation of Haters California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa takes pride in opposing the Obama administration. Democratic Reps. Henry Waxman and Nancy Pelosi played that role when George W. Bush was in office. Keith Olbermann provides a nightly […]
June 21, 2010 – 7:56 pm
This had to seriously hurt the NY Times and CBS News to publish the results of this poll (starting with the Times story) Overwhelmingly, Americans think the nation needs a fundamental overhaul of its energy policies, and most expect alternative forms to replace oil as a major source within 25 years. Yet a majority are […]
June 18, 2010 – 7:46 am
Both McCain and Flake are positioning this legislation as a great way for taxpayers to get involved and help lower the federal debt, but, I think we can all read between the lines and understand that this is aimed squarely at Democrats who have supported this massive, unprecedented, historic, Mezcal* inspired spending binge Two members […]
June 13, 2010 – 8:37 am
Probably not. Since Jerry Brown is a Democrat and Meg Whitman a Republican, all his comment earned was, for the most part, brief blurbs in the California media. Imagine the reverse. That’s right, it would be wall to wall coverage Jerry Brown’s campaign for California governor continues to suffer fallout from off-the-cuff comments he made […]