Category Archives: Politics

Hilarious. FEC Goes After Palin, Still Ignoring Obama

Just more proof that the powers that be are scared of Palin, and beholden to left wing causes Former Gov. Sarah Palin’s political action committee gave excessive contributions to two well-known Republicans and also is facing demands from the federal government for more detailed financial information on a number of fronts. The deficiencies are highlighted […]

Does Reading The Bill Really Matter?

USA Today makes a few interesting points There’s a growing movement at town hall meetings and online to make sure members of Congress read the entire health care reform bill before they vote on it, and to make it available to the public at least 72 hours before a vote. “Read the bill” is typically […]

Left Freaking Out Over Whole Foods, Offers Boycott

Back on August 11th, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey had an opinion piece in ye olde Wall Street Journal, outlining his ideas on health care reform, most of which make pretty darned good sense, and will help keep the industry out of government hands. Ideas such as Remove the legal obstacles that slow the creation […]

Republicans Turn The Calls Back To The DNC

Pawned! National Republicans turned the tables on their political counterparts Wednesday by redirecting angry telephone calls coming into their switchboard to the Democratic National Committee. The DNC released a Web video early in the morning accusing the GOP of inciting mob activity at town hall meetings. At the end of the video, the DNC instructs […]

Congress Critters Afraid Of Their Screaming Constituents

I wonder what could have caused this? (h/t Dr. Melissa Clouthier) Screaming constituents, protesters dragged out by the cops, congressmen fearful for their safety — welcome to the new town-hall-style meeting, the once-staid forum that is rapidly turning into a house of horrors for members of Congress. On the eve of the August recess, members […]

Queen Nancy Says She Will Read The Health Care Bill + Rationing

Of course, don’t take it as a promise House Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D-Calif.) will read the entirety of the final text of the health care reform bill before the House votes on it and will provide the public “ample time” to review the legislation, says Pelosi’s spokesman. However, the speaker’s office declined to specify what is meant by “ample […]

Read The HealthCare Bill Before Voting!

One would think that a responsible elected official would read the legislation before voting for it, alas After Democratic promises to run the most open and transparent Congress in history, Republicans say they are stunned by the number of closed-off debates over legislation, including spending bills, and the lack of time to actually see, let […]

Why Good People Do Not Get Into National Politics

Will Rogers once said “We elect people to office that we wouldn’t invite over for dinner.” And H.L. Mencken put forth that “A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar.” For the most part, people in national politics, and not just the politicians, but the handlers, the media, the policy wonks, etc, are […]

Maybe This Should Tell People Something

54% of Americans favor smaller government/less services, up 4 percentage points in one year (full poll here). Certainly, the number has been higher, but, will the trend continue as Independents, moderates, and wishy washy fell for hopeNchange Republicans wake up to the Nanny State progressive agenda of the Democrats? Also in the poll, Republicans need […]

Shocker! Another Tax Cheating Obama Nominee…zzzzzzz

It’s actually become rather routine President Obama’s choice as chief of protocol for the State Department, a position that carries the status of an ambassadorship, did not file tax returns for 2005 and 2006, errors she corrected last November. Surprising, eh? As a sidebar, remember who the NY Times mostly referred to GWB as “Mr. […]

Pirate's Cove