Category Archives: Politics

Russ Feingold Lives Way In The Past In Blocking Ronald Reagan Bill

For a Party that always tells us they are looking towards the future, the Democrats sure like to live in the past, and not just in rumination about past victories and those EVIL Booooooosh years, as the Nutroots term them. Their climate change legislation attempts to take us back to life in the late 1800’s. […]

John Boehner To Queen Nancy: Put Up Or Shut Up Regarding CIA

Minority Leader John Boehner has jumped into the “Nancy Pelosi says the CIA lied to her” fiasco. How soon will the Democrats and the media call the issue a “distraction from the issues that are important to Americans?” (h/t Ace) A key Republican leader demanded Sunday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi produce evidence to back […]

Let’s Grade Congress!

Have y’all heard about the site Grade Gov? Because it is your turn to be heard TV, radio, Internet, and newspapers are filled with politicians talking at you. It’s time that they started listening to you. At, you can send a grade to individual Members of Congress — an A, B, C, D, or […]

What Do You Think A Stimulus Is? It’s Spending, That’s The Whole Point! Seriously

Remember when Obama said that in front of his little grasshoppers, er, House Democrats, during a speechin Williamsburg in early February? Remember when Obama and the Democrats were telling us that the Generational Theft Act had to be passed RIGHT NOW otherwise Bad Things would happen, that the economy would never recover, so no one […]

Pelosi Looks To Protect Lawmakers From Investigations

The most ethical Congress ever. Draining the swamp. Doing away with the culture of corruption. Insert whatever Pelosi talking point you want, Nancy appears to want to insulate federal lawmakers from being investigated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is working to buffer lawmakers from federal investigators. This is a bad idea. Special legal protections for politicians […]

Serious Congress Debates Equally Serious Subject

Apparently, now that Congress has fixed the economy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, illegal immigration, health care, Chrysler, and so many major issues, then now have time for really serious debate, in true bipartisan idiot fashion Texas Rep. Joe Barton likened college football’s Bowl Championship Series to “communism” Friday, even as he made the case that the […]

Obama Blames Chrysler Bankruptcy On Investors

Is there anyone Obama won’t blame? Is there any segment of the private population that he won’t assault? Well, we know he won’t blame himself. In this case, even the NY Times business section is call B.S.: The Lenders Obama Decided to Blame Peter A. Weinberg and Joseph R. Perella are part of a band […]

Aside: Gay Patriot On Arlen Specter

Gay Patriot: Arlen Specter’s Opportunistic Switch

President Pantywaist Reappears In Telegraph

One of my normal rounds when looking at the news is the UK Telegraph, along with severalother British papers. An internationalal view of American and world affairs, not to mention the U.K.’s nanny state-ism, their dhimmitude, and their failures with socialized medicine. And, particularly after Obama dissed them when Gordon Brown came to visit, exasperated […]

Robert Gibbs Laughs About Huge Deficit

Is everyone in this administration punch drunk? First we had being giddy enough while discussing terrible economic news during a 60 Minutes interview that the reporter asked if he was punch drunk, then we had Hillary cackling over the pirate situation, and now we have Link:   Partial transcript from Jake Tapper, who got involved in the exchange JENNIFER […]

Pirate's Cove