Category Archives: Politics

Innocent Man: Brett Kavanaugh Refuses To Back Down And Withdraw

Political smears that are utterly false will often drive innocent people out, as they and their families do not want to deal with it any longer. Does this sound like a man who is guilty? (via Twitchy) In letter to Senate Judiciary, Kavanaugh says he won't withdraw: "I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from […]

Fishy: Woman Goes Public With Uncorroborated, Unconfirmed Fable From 35 Years Ago Against Judge Kavanaugh

And, of course, in true Liberal World mode, Kavanaugh is guilty till proven innocent (Breitbart) Mark Judge, a writer in Washington, D.C., has reiterated his strong denial of allegations that he watched as Brett M. Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted a girl when he and Kavanaugh attended a party while they were in high school more […]

Super Socialist Super Excited To Make Other People’s Districts More Fair

I would assume Super Socialist agrees with this sentiment since she retweeted it, and, sure, a retweet doesn’t necessarily mean agreement, it usually does, this is Super Socialist we’re dealing with Huh. The 2016 election had Dem Joe Crowley winning with 82.9% of the vote. Previous elections saw the Democrat winning with well over […]

Justice Kennedy Retiring, Trump Will Get Another Supreme Court Pick

This is pretty huge Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy says he's retiring effective July 31. Kennedy stepping down would mark a second high-court pick for President Trump. — Fox News (@FoxNews) June 27, 2018 (Fox News) Justice Anthony Kennedy announced Wednesday that he is retiring, giving President Trump a critical opportunity to move […]

Mueller To Finally Focus On Russia Russia Russia At Some Point In The Future

Wasn’t the whole main point of appointing Robert Mueller as special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the US elections, ie, collusion? Seriously, the first bullet point of Order 3915-2017 reads “any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump;” (why not Obama, Hillary, Dems? […]

Whelp, This Is Gonna Leave A Mark

8 in 10 Americans who watched Pres. Trump's #SOTU address felt he was trying to unite the country, rather than divide it. Two-thirds said the speech made them feel proud, though just a third said it made them feel safer, CBS News poll finds — CBS News (@CBSNews) January 31, 2018 That’ll make […]

House Intel Committee Votes To Release Surveillance Memo

This is either going to end with a thud, or it will create a huge issue. Republicans best be right about the memo being “explosive” (Fox News) The House Intelligence Committee on Monday evening voted to release a classified memo circulating in Congress that purportedly reveals government surveillance abuses. The vote was announced to reporters […]

Obligatory Dems Utterly Cave On #SchumerShutdown Post

Is anyone as surprised as me that Republicans held strong and forced Democrats to completely cave? Oh, and then there’s this bit of fun, just to rub salt in the wound (via Twitchy) As if the government funding deal wasn't bad enough, we now find out there's yet more tax cuts hidden in it. The […]

NY Times Blames Democrats On One Hand, Republicans On Other For Any Shutdown

The NY Times seems a bit confused. Here’s how the Editorial Board puts it Here’s Another Fine Mess They’ve Gotten Us Into … One could almost — but not really — feel sorry for Republicans. This is a mess President Trump created, and Republicans are tiptoeing around him trying to fashion a temporary fix that […]

GOP Looks To Put Smackdown On Vulnerable Dems Over Tax Reform

Despite all the bleating from Democrats and their compliant comrades in the media, the GOP tax reform is going to let people keep more of their own money, and help the economy. And it looks like the GOP will use this (The Hill) The Republican National Committee (RNC) is gearing up to launch a multimillion-dollar effort at […]

Pirate's Cove