November 25, 2008 – 9:08 am
The costs of AGW legislation Virtually every concern heightened by the ecoÂnomic downturn, especially job losses, would be exacerbated under the ANPR. As with cap-and-trade legislation, the EPA’s suggested rulemaking would be poison to an already sick economy. But even in the best of economic times, this policy would likely end them. The estimated costs–close […]
November 24, 2008 – 9:10 am
So, let’s see: I check ye olde Weather Channel for the ten day forecasts, and it looks like Raleigh, Washington, D.C., and the town in Joisey where my ‘rentals live, and low and behold, they are going to mostly be at or below the average highs. How can that possibly be happening? A new satellite […]
November 19, 2008 – 7:57 am
And said organ actually, you know, works! Surgeons replaced the damaged windpipe of Claudia Castillo, a 30-year-old mother of two, with one created from stem cells grown in a laboratory at Bristol University. Because the new windpipe was made from cells taken from Ms Castillo’s own body, using a process called “tissue engineering”, she has […]
November 14, 2008 – 8:36 am
Climahysterics will become more hysterical It has plagued scientists and politicians for decades, but scientists now say global warming is not the problem. We are actually heading for the next Ice Age, they claim. British and Canadian experts warned the big freeze could bury the east of Britain in 6,000ft of ice. And what’s more, […]
October 31, 2008 – 9:05 am
Be prepared to be called nasty names, fellas Scientists at MIT have recorded a nearly simultaneous world-wide increase in methane levels. This is the first increase in ten years, and what baffles science is that this data contradicts theories stating man is the primary source of increase for this greenhouse gas. It takes about one […]
October 24, 2008 – 10:38 pm
To see a larger shot of Saturn’s moon Enceladus, and many more way cool space photos, head to Oh, and for the Darwin Award An explosion inside a car that injured three teenagers Thursday afternoon was sparked when one of the girls lit a cigarette and ignited fumes from aerosol air fresheners the teens […]
October 13, 2008 – 9:06 am
Creating more climazombies A GROUP of Scarborough students learned all about their carbon footprint at a recent roadshow in Scarborough. The Carbon Footprint Roadshow, run by BP, called at George Pindar Community Sports College in Moor Lane, Eastfield. Its aim was to raise awareness about issues surrounding global warming and the students took part in […]
September 28, 2008 – 4:14 pm
Maybe something that only interests me, but, science is cool, and we all need a break from politics now and then The discovery of rocks as old as 4.28 billion years pushes back age of most ancient remnant of Earth’s crust by 300 million years. McGill University researchers have discovered the oldest rocks on Earth […]
September 2, 2008 – 6:59 pm
As regular as clockwork, as regular as moonbats marching in September and March, as regular as Al Gore’s climahypocricy, it seems every time there is a hurricane, the global warming causes hurricanes terminal stupidity starts up Wall Street Journal: Scientists Remain Divided Over Issue Of Changing Patterns in Storms Associated Press: Global warming’s toasty water […]
August 24, 2008 – 3:09 pm
Time to take a break from the exciting Joe Bide…..zzzzzzzzzzz. Huh? Oh, and delve into the insanity of anthropogenic global warming. This looks fun In northern Greenland, a part of the Arctic that had seemed immune from global warming, new satellite images show a growing giant crack and an 11-square-mile chunk of ice hemorrhaging off a […]