Category Archives: Science

Michigan Pushes To Allow Alternative Subjects

Nice to see that some State legislature has some cajones: MiLive – Legislation opens classroom doors to alternative views of evolution, global warming, cloning Teachers shouldn’t be prevented from discussing alternative views of evolution, global warming and other controversial topics in their science classes, according to a bill backed by some local lawmakers. But some […]

Global Warming Today: Yes, Volcano’s Are Caused By It

No, really. Seriously. Stop snickering. And, kindly ignore the fact that there has been no raise in temps for 10 years (Times Online) Increased volcanic activity is linked to ice melted by the effects of global warming, a study has found. So much ice in Iceland has melted in the past century that the pressure […]

Global Warming Today: Paul Krugman Demonizes Ethanol

No, really, he does. Snort Worthy! I’m almost never censored at the Times. However, I was told that I couldn’t use the lede I originally wrote for my column following the 2007 State of the Union address, in which Bush made ethanol the centerpiece of his energy strategy: “Before the State of the Union address, […]

Stem Cells Used In Attempt To Fix Hearts

And, guess, what? Once again, the ones used are not embyonic (via Insty) British scientists have been given the go-ahead to begin potentially ground-breaking experiments using injections of stem cells to repair patients’ damaged hearts. The team hopes to repair the organs of people who have suffered the most severe heart attacks. (snip) The trial […]

GM Envisions Driverless Cars

Your scifi update Cars that drive themselves – even parking at their destination – could be ready for sale within a decade, General Motors Corp. executives say. GM, parts suppliers, university engineers and other automakers all are working on vehicles that could revolutionize short- and long-distance travel. And Tuesday at the Consumer Electronics Show in […]

Science Now Equals Polls

Sad (CNN) — A majority of Americans believe that gays and lesbians could not change their sexual orientation even if they wanted to, according to results of a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday. It’s the first time in a CNN poll the majority has held that belief regarding homosexuality. Fifty-six percent of about 515 […]

Science Today

And it is not about global warming as caused by Man HONOLULU – A third large crack has formed on Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, park officials said Wednesday. A forest area that is home to rare plants and species could be in danger. The fissure, spotted in an area a few […]

Bush Says No To ESC Bill

I wasn’t going to write anything about this, at least today, figuring I’d leave it with the Jessica Alba post and watch a movie, The Fountain, which is one of those that really need ones undivided attention. But, after catching the CNN story on the Blackjack while waiting for dinner, had to do it. Here are the […]

Global Warming Today: Is It A Sin?

Very interesting article over at The Nation regarding global warming as caused by Man. Now, The Nation can say that they are non-partisan, but, for anyone who is familiar with them, they tend to lean left, usually far left. Progressive, if you will. So, it is rather surprising to see this show up (subscription required) […]

Kerry Makes Woops! On ESC Cured Mouse

I wonder if the mouse was terrorizing women and children in the dead of night? ( – During Wednesday's Senate debate on stem cell therapy, Sen. John Kerry cited research in Massachusetts which he said had used embryonic stem cells to "cure" a mouse — but the mouse wasn't cured, and the research he referred […]

Pirate's Cove