Category Archives: Science

Adult Stem Cells Making Progress

It's been awhile since there was really any stem cell news ( – A week before the U.S. Senate again grapples with the explosive issue of embryonic stem cell research, one of the most stunning reported advances in bio-technology in years comes from stem cells not harvested from human embryos but derived from a non-controversial […]

Shutting Down Speech on Global Warming

And a good Tuesday morning to all. Well, it would be good if one who believes there should be open, free, factual debate about Global Warming as Caused By Man wasn't told to shut the hell up ( – Climate change skeptics – and journalists who report on them – have become the target of […]

Embyronic Stem Cell Vote Today

And, as usual, most news sites are headlining it simply as a "stem cell vote," disingenuous at best. I'll give a "well done" to Andrew Taylor at the AP for a well written, factual, somewhat unbiased story WASHINGTON Jan 11, 2007 (AP)— Their ranks bolstered by the November elections, supporters of legislation boosting taxpayer-funded research on embryonic stem cells […]

New Stem Cells: Will The Left Embrace Them?

This is pretty good news (from the Raleigh N&O) A Wake Forest University scientist says he has discovered a new class of stem cells in the wombs of pregnant women that may provide an alternative to embryonic stem cells. The new cells, unlike embryonic cells, could be harvested without the destruction of early-stage human embryos. […]

Trackback Friday Featuring the DNC Surrender Monkey! Abortion For ESC’s

Happy Friday to all! It's that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it! Yes, that's right, as Nance Pelosi is holding the […]

Bush Admin Saving The Polar Bears From “Global Warming”

The question is, is this something President Bush is pushing personally, has been involved, or just something pushed by those long term workers in the Executive Office beauracracy? The Bush administration wants to add polar bears to the endangered species list as a result of the ice melting in the Arctic. Global warming is being […]

And Libs Want Embryonic Stem Cells Why?

Seriously, why have the libdems pinned their hopes on ESC's? While they have shown the ability to cure disease, a heavy baggage, in the form of pervasive and constant tumors, comes with said cures. Meanwhile, placental, and adult, stem cells show promise, sans tumors. Case in point Adult stem cells increase insulin production in mice […]

Massive Killer Meteor Crater Found

This is pretty interesting (at least to me) A massive crater in Antarctica may have been caused by a meteor that wiped out more than 90 percent of the species on Earth 250 million years ago, an American geologist said Wednesday. The 300-mile-wide crater lies hidden more than a mile beneath a sheet of ice […]

Forget Abortion; Take Liberal Testes

Heard during one of the brief times I actually got to listen to Rush L., great new possible way to get stem cells: HUMAN testes could be a source of embryonic-like stem cells, providing a way to grow tissue to repair the body without having to destroy or create embryos. German researchers have discovered that […]

How About That Sun?

Found an older article from 2003 regarding the Sun in the magazine Space In what could be the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows the Sun’s radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s. The increase would only be significant to Earth’s climate if it […]

Pirate's Cove