January 5, 2006 – 5:09 am
How cool is that? Was kinda playing around, looking at some of the Hubble photo’s, and ran across this one: The scientists are unsure of the exact distance to the galaxy but know it is near the limit of what can be found with current telescopes. It is estimated to be 13 billion light-years away, […]
December 4, 2005 – 11:32 am
Seriously, what man doesn’t know this? The comedians are right. The science proves it. A man’s brain and a woman’s brain really do work differently. New research from the University of Alberta shows that men and women utilize different parts of their brains while they perform the same tasks. The results of the research are […]
November 8, 2005 – 6:21 am
I’m glad the Eurolibs are getting it: Meeting Kyoto Protocol targets on greenhouse gas emissions will reduce European economic growth significantly. That is the finding of a new study from the International Council for Capital Formation, a market-based think tank. It projects that by 2010, Spain’s growth will have fallen by 3%, and that Italy’s […]
October 19, 2005 – 8:56 am
Hey, now, this Wilma is not being a good girl like Fred’s Wilma. Being a VERY bad girl (can you sense a theme for today?): It’s been confirmed: Hurricane Wilma, with a pressure of 882 mb, is the most intense hurricane on record in the Atlantic Basin. Wilma, after undergoing a stunning intensifcation overnight, is […]
September 26, 2005 – 8:27 am
Seems as if Tony Blair is finally getting the fact the the Kyoto Protocol just doesn’t work. "I’m changing my thinking about this in the past two or three years. I think if we are going to get action, we have got to start from the brutal honesty about the politics of how we deal […]
August 30, 2005 – 10:02 am
Katrina may not have been the storm it was supposed to be, but the damage is still horific. So much to say, too hungover to do it. Go see Michelle Malkin. She has some of the best coverage. For those who have never lived through a hurricane, hungover is a good allegory. Living in North […]
August 29, 2005 – 7:46 am
God almighty, you knew that the Leftosphere had to go down wacko roads regarding Katrina. Michelle Malkin links to 2 in the "reality <snicker> based community." The Swing State Project <snicker, considering the Dems are doing what they can to insult the South> says it is Bush’s fault for cutting spending. Got news for you […]
August 28, 2005 – 9:25 pm
Buoy 42040, 64 nm south of Dauphin Island, Al, reported at 8:50pm (EDT) Wind Speed (WSPD): 36.9 kts Wind Gust (GST): 48.6 kts Wave Height (WVHT): 29.5 ft Atmospheric Pressure (PRES): 29.39 in Pressure Tendency (PTDY): -0.05 in ( Falling ) Getting really ugly, folks.
August 28, 2005 – 6:09 pm
Take another shot at this, make sure I hit the “post” button before closing IE down. The 5pm statement on Katrina shows max sustained winds of 165, hurricane force winds out to 105 miles, and tropical storm winds to 230 (which is an increase.) The minimum central pressure is 902Mb/26.64 inches. The rainfall estimates are […]
July 26, 2005 – 5:11 pm
Remember that childlike delight you got the first time you saw the space shuttle fly? I do. I saw the shuttle take off for the first time in, gotta be 5-7 years, this am, and it was just as good as I remembered. The live camera looking down from the shuttle provided an incredible view. […]