Category Archives: Science

More Pseudo-Scientific BS

Can you believe this? The clamps are coming down on released sex offenders like never before. But some experts wonder sex offenders are being pushed so far to the fringes that they could actually become more dangerous to society. Some researchers and treatment providers say that sex offenders are finding it harder to maintain homes […]

Great White released

No, not the group. A real Great White shark, which I have blogged about a few times, was released from the Monterey Bay Aquarium today. A great white shark that survived far longer than any other in captivity was returned to the wild Thursday because it was growing too large and had begun preying on […]

For allergy sufferers

Now, this seems great, if it works: Scientists believe they have identified a protein which could be crucial in creating new treatments for allergies.  Researchers told Nature that blocking p110delta in mast cells – which cause allergic reactions – substantially reduced symptoms in tests on mice. To heck with the mice, I’ll try it. For […]

Pirate's Cove