September 4, 2009 – 8:58 am
This is some pretty good news Osiris Therapeutics Inc, which is developing a drug to treat a rare condition that affects bone marrow transplant patients, is poised to unveil results from a late-stage trial that could pave the way for the first approved drug in that indication and instill investor confidence in the company. GvHD […]
September 1, 2009 – 6:14 pm
Is there anything that adult stem cells (ASCs) can’t do? Vitro Diagnostics, Inc. (OTCBB: VODG), dba Vitro Biopharma, announced advances in its adult stem cell products and technology with application to cell-based therapy of cancer. With the passing of Senator Edward Kennedy from brain cancer, we are reminded of such aggressive cancers without effective treatment. […]
August 31, 2009 – 8:50 am
The Chamber has the Sierra Club running like the little Nancy girls all liberals are with their Climate Trial idea. The Sierra Club now has a petition calling for companies to resign their memberships in the Chamber if they do not drop the idea. This is the letter that will be sent (well, email, probably) to […]
August 26, 2009 – 7:41 am
I guess the science isn’t settled The nation’s largest business lobby wants to put the science of global warming on trial. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, trying to ward off potentially sweeping federal emissions regulations, is pushing the Environmental Protection Agency to hold a rare public hearing on the scientific evidence for man-made climate change. […]
July 29, 2009 – 8:34 am
Remember when Obama stated that he wanted science to be based on facts, not ideology? Of course, he was discussing the use of federal money for embryonic stem cell research, so, was a silly statement to start with. And, how about Obama also signed a memorandum that directs the White House Office of Science and […]
July 27, 2009 – 8:44 am
Didn’t they know that they were supposed to nash their teeth, decry what Mankind was doing to Gaia, and hold awareness rallies? Climate study puts Incas’ success down to 400 years of warm weather Supreme military organisation and a flair for agricultural invention are traditionally credited for the rise of the Incas. However, their success […]
July 24, 2009 – 9:03 am
While we wait for the researchers who feed at the federal trough to produce something, anything, from embryonic stem cells that does not include teratomas (monster tumors,) non-embronic stem cells are continuing to be super A middle-aged leukemia patient has became Chile’s first patient to receive stem cells from an umbilical cord in a radical […]
July 23, 2009 – 9:36 am
If you guessed hybrid, the tequila shot is on me Quite a few big-name auto insurers have been giving hybrid owners a discount on their premium. But those deals might not last much longer; as an insurance data-analysis firm points out, the insurance industry could be losing big because of this. The surprising result: Hybrid […]
July 5, 2009 – 9:59 pm
You know that somehow, the Disciples Of Gore will find a way to blame this on anthropogenic global warming, hence their riotous use of the phrase “climate change.” Via Climate Depot The latest global averaged satellite temperature data for June 2009 reveals yet another drop in the Earth’s temperature. This latest drop in global temperatures […]
June 18, 2009 – 1:00 pm
I don’t think this story actually means what Excitable Chucky thinks it means Some 3.9 billion years ago, a shift in the orbit of the Sun’s outer planets sent a surge of large comets and asteroids careening into the inner solar system. Their violent impacts gouged out the large craters still visible on the Moon’s […]