September 29, 2017 – 7:16 am
The Green Bay Packers had a little plan to get all the fans to link arms during the national anthem, in an attempt to push social justice warrioring. And it was about SJW stuff The Green Bay Packers players are asking fans tonight to join them in a “display of unity†by linking arms during […]
September 27, 2017 – 8:17 am
This is supposed to be a Big Thing from Reuters A majority of adults disagree with Trump on firing athletes who kneel during anthem: Reuters/Ipsos poll A majority of Americans disagree with President Donald Trump’s assertion that football players should be fired for kneeling during the national anthem, even though most say they would personally […]
September 25, 2017 – 7:51 am
Personally, I still think Trump was wrong to interject himself into the debate: it’s below the station of POTUS. Many have theories on why he did this, from Trump being Trump, to attempting to distract from Russia Russia Russia, to wanting people to talk about this for various reasons, and so forth. But, did Trump […]
September 22, 2017 – 10:09 am
And this is how you kill a sport by driving a large chunk of your fan base away Memo: NFL players ask Roger Goodell for support in racial equality campaign Current and former NFL players campaigning for racial equality and criminal justice reform wrote a lengthy memo to league commissioner Roger Goodell officially seeking overt league support […]
September 7, 2017 – 10:30 am
This is one that is all over the news this morning, both regular and the sports sites, which I’ve caught in multiple places while perusing the same (Daily Caller)Â Bennett released a statement Wednesday morning claiming he was the target of racism and police brutality after being detained by Las Vegas police officers. He also claimed […]
August 25, 2017 – 7:20 am
People have long gotten tired of all the politics and social justice warrioring on sports broadcasts. There are plenty of liberals who do not want to hear it. They just want sports. If they were advocating conservative views (not that they would or do), I wouldn’t want to hear it. Wrong forum for it. (Mediaite) […]
July 29, 2017 – 11:27 am
Doug Glanville, who was a heck of a baseball player, and a pretty good play by play guy now, has an Outrage (of course, like most SJWs, he’s never said a word about the sexism that’s part of Islam) Who Gets To Call The Game? (First 2 paragraphs about him going on a tear over […]
July 28, 2017 – 7:05 am
It’s not the only reason, and only a small amount tuned out, but, when you equate that small percent with the number of people who watch football games, the drop turns rather huge WOW. So yes, protesting the National Anthem was extraordinarily costly to the NFL. — John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 27, 2017 From […]
April 5, 2017 – 10:30 am
Because, as Kemberlee Kay at Legal Insurrection notes, “Because what viewers want is MORE politics in their sports…” And "You can't possibly make sports TV any more unwatchable!"ESPN: "Hold my beer!” — Kemberlee Kaye (@KemberleeKaye) April 4, 2017 Oh, so you just want to watch sports? Listen to people talk about sports? Hear stats about […]
March 29, 2017 – 7:28 pm
Let’s talk about something different. This article about the Raiders moving has been bugging me all day, but, alas, Real Lifeâ„¢ interfered Raiders could reportedly play in San Antonio or with 49ers if Oakland fans bail It appears that the Raiders are already making contingency plans in case their divorce with the city of Oakland […]