Category Archives: Uncategorized

WP Mobile Going Stupid

Not sure what the WordPress Mobile iPhone app is doing, like it is stripping code, and I’m not seeing it correctly on safari with iPhone. I’ll fix the posts when I get to my laptop later

Shocker! Dems Go All Moonbatty Over Heath Destruction Repeal

Yeah, I know, you’re completely unshocked. You’re probably like “hey, Teach, why don’t you tell us when Dems aren’t completely unhinged.” of course, that’s not quite as fun. Via Human Events The Democrats are up in arms over the repeal of their beloved health care legislation. They claim that repealing ObamaCare will result in people […]

Hey, Cool, A Mention By The NY Times!

Well, this is pretty sweet, my post on “Which Party Is More Extremist?” rated a mention, and a pretty good one, in the Times’ Opinionator section. Now, how do I translate that into cash?

Comments Down Briefly. Up, But May Look Weird For A Bit

The threaded comments plugin I have been using is not WordPress 3.0.1 compliant, so, have some fixing to do in the Comments.php file. Update: Just cannot get threaded comments to work correctly, when I turn the plugin off and used the internal WP ones, plus, hoses Gigya Socialize, and Gravatars do not show. Turning plugin […]

Illegals Today: Welfare And Drive By’s And Anchor Babies, Oh, My!

If only there was some good use for this money in CaliBrokifornia Welfare payments to children of illegal immigrants in Los Angeles County increased in July to $52 million, prompting renewed calls from one county supervisor to rein in public benefits to such families. The payments, made to illegal immigrants for their U.S. citizen children, […]

Blogging Will Be Lite This Week

In training seminars all week. Busy busy busy!

Universal Is Kinda Sucking

Seriously, Universal Studios should be open longer than 10-6, since it takes a frackin hour to get in the gate.

Made It To LA

Gotta say, u folks in the LA are sure have some nice weather. Low humidity, at least from a Raleigh perspective. Went to Santa Monica, no real parking near the pier. Shocking on a Memorial Day, eh? What’s up with paying to park at the mall? Have to pick up some tickets.

Blogging Will Be Light – Vacation Time! (Stick Post Through Friday)

Yes, blogging will be light, at least during the day, through Friday. As I wrote the other day, I’ll be in Los Angeles. I’ll probably blog a few pictures here and there during the day with ye olde iPhone, though!

Aaaaack! Left My Blackberry At Home!

There’s a reason they call it a Crackberry. Feel utterly lost without it. Almost went through all the machinations to switch to a spare BBerry. Finally realized I could put my email addresses in my iPhone. Breathe. Breathe. Relax

Pirate's Cove